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First Appointment tomorrow


New Member
Just wanted to share because I am excited and nervous - at 10am tomorrow I have my appointment at Spire Hospitals after our local PCT agreeing to fund Weight Loss Surgery.

Now I wait with baited breath to see what I will be offered. I have spent the last ten years hovering between 18 and now all time high of 20st 7lb.

I was 12st when I was 12 and battled to keep around that weight up to the age of 20, I weighed 15st after the birth of my daughter and it has crept up and up with a few temporary downs after going to slimming clubs, gyms even overeaters anonymous. So here I am at 55 hoping at last to live life instead of hiding away
I remember I was a nervous wreck when I had my pre-op appointments, I think it was because it meant so much to me, and I knew that this was my final chance.

Good luck Judi. You'll be fine. Make sure you come back & tell us all how it went.

Hello and welcome....

May all the good luck in the world be riding on your shoulders tomorrow.... I hope it's not too long a wait, it's never too late to find the new slimline slinky you... She's lurking there just waiting to be released :) xx
Hello Judi and welcome to this wonderful site. You will get so much help and encouragement, and any questions you may have, just go ahead and ask, someone is sure to be able to help. This place will become your new family, or that is how I treat it these days.
I am pre op also, and will be 53 in a couple of weeks, and just in case you were wondering, there are a few of us 'over 50's' on here, so welcome aboard.
Hope your appointment goes well, fingers crossed for you xxxxxx
Good luck Jude, I really hope all goes well and you will be on your way to a life changing journey. xx