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First day back at work...


New Member
.....Absolutely shattered :cry:

I hope my energy levels rise soon. I know it's early days but jeez, I feel like I've been hit by a truck!

Think I've done too much too soon to be honest. So my boss has said I can work a shorter day tomoro :)

I HATE WORK!!!! :pcwhack:
Crikey Hayley, thats quick back to work I was told 6 -8 weeks off work. I must admit after i had my band I went back after 6 weeks and felt the same as your describing but this time my boss has offered if i need it a phased return, you find after a couple of weeks it gets easier/ Good luck hun xx
Crikey Hayley, thats quick back to work I was told 6 -8 weeks off work. I must admit after i had my band I went back after 6 weeks and felt the same as your describing but this time my boss has offered if i need it a phased return, you find after a couple of weeks it gets easier/ Good luck hun xx

I wish they advised 6-8 weeks off!!

I missed Jeremy Kyle today :p

flipping heck you lot, i was hoping to have four weeks off and my bypass will be open..... Maybe i better not count on things so much...

I can't believe your back at work already Hayley, maybe your boss will let you have a few weeks of short days? xx
Hayley - take heed - I went back (sedentary only) after 2 weeks and am still suffering from fatigue now - I had to have the last week of August off (which was training week for teachers & lecturers) as I didn't have the strength to even drive in. I am now back full time but I am fit for naff all after work (other than a breif walk with the hounds).

If you don't watch it, you could end up pooped like me. So Nursey TPT says - go get a sick note from your GP or ring your aftercare folk - you body is blatantly telling you it is not ready. REST, REST AND MORE REST...
The doc gave me 6 weeks off work!

It was about the right time for me!

Glad you're back to work but go steady xx
Hayley, If you are feeling so tired it might be worth you going to the GPs and asking for a sick note for some more time off. Don't forget the body takes time to heal. Just because you haven't had open surgery doesn't mean you need less time to heal. Don't forget that your body is also adjusting to surviving on far less calories and nutrients. Shorter days will not make up for rest time either physically or mentally.

my dr has advised 4 weeks and like Allie I am worried about the client group I work with more than anytning. If I need it, i will take longer though.
Thats why my doctor didnt want me to go back when I did as I work with people with learning disabilities and I have to use a hoist but I took my time and I was ok

Hayley take care and get all the rest your body needs you could end up doing more damage and we wouldnt want that now would we :eek:)