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First steps to a long battle!!

I too am glad to hear that you got referred following you providing the gp with the relevent criteria from the PCT.

I agree that many people would have given up with the process of teferral to surgery; someone said the same to me about my journey, now I'm less than 6 weeks from surgery and am glad I stuck with it despite all the knock backs - gp was happy to refer me but PCT rejected requests for funding 3 times and it took 6 months to get funding before I was referred to a surgeon 18 months ago!

Well done for fighting Tatiana! You are proof it can work to dig your heals in x
Thanks Fuffs,

I do admit that it's been trying at times when you sit there with no apparent end in sight and I think some PCTs automatically turn people down for funding on the first request to see how many patients are serious - especially when you can't even be referred to a bariatric team until after funding is in place - buy I am pleased the journey is almost over and I will be on the losers bench by Christmas!

I agree. Maybe it is also like driving tests where they have to turn so many people down. Whatever it is, you WON Tatiana!!!
Well done for persevering. Has anyone seen Dawn Frenchs pics in the daily mail today....she looks aaaaammmazing! Well done Dawn.
Well done for persevering. Has anyone seen Dawn Frenchs pics in the daily mail today....she looks aaaaammmazing! Well done Dawn.
hell yeah she looks fantastic!!! lol
Not got as far as papers yet today - Monday is very regimented as far as time is concerned! Just taking dad to get his pension then it's into town with mum to do the shopping and for a cup of tea!

Papers this afternoon when I get home!

i dont mind people saying im like dawn french now :D (mind you i didnt anyway, shes lovely) :)
Yeah she is one of those people that always looked gorgeous no matter what her size didnt she. Good on her though.....Im wondering if she has done a fern or actually dieted. Personally Im not bothered either way....she still looks fan bliddy tastic!!
I didn't have to apply for funding, i don't know why! When they turn you down, do they give you a reason?
mariew said:
I didn't have to apply for funding, i don't know why! When they turn you down, do they give you a reason?

Hi Marie,

When I was denied funding the first time they told my GP it wasn't their usual policy to fund wls, second time was insuffocient evidence of fitting criteria for funding (NICE guidelines!) despite my BMI being over 40 and having co-morbidities, then it was that there was a lack of evidence of attempts at other weight management methods even though GP had listed all attempts at dieting, drugs, exercise referrals and had pointed out the one drug that HAD been successful had been taken off the market by the European MHRA.

In their 3rd rejection letter they told my GP that, if he wanted to appeal again, he was to direct future communications to the 'special exception committee' which is another department at the PCT. He wrote to them, and included a copy of a letter from my rheumatologist who also supports my application for funding, and got an immediate yes!!

That all took 6 months and I was later told they turn down virtually 100% of initial applications - this was before the PCTs were merged into one body for my county and now it's easier to get funding!

well done minx im glad you got the referal :D
wonder what happens next....do i get a letter to go see surgeon or to this seminar thing? What is the seminar? Is it where they give you a weight to get down to?
I have been accepted for a loan and got my consultation on 25th to go private. I cant face having to wait all that time.
I have been accepted for a loan and got my consultation on 25th to go private. I cant face having to wait all that time.
i dont blame you honey, if i could do that i would, good luck xxx
Honestly just had enough this week has been horrendous so applied to firstmedicalloans and got accepted. Im still shaking with excitement. Could be all done by xmas!
Thats great, sunderland does have a long waiting list !!!!!.

xmas is only round the corner, if you do have your op at xmas then we are all here for you ask any questions you like even if you think they are silly someone will have the answer.

best of luck with everything ......... do you plan on attending the next sunderland support meeting ? x
Yes Amy I think I will be attending, think il need all the support I can get. If my consultation goes ok on 25th, il start the milk diet straight away and will have the surgery two weeks later.
Yes it means I miss xmas lunch etc but it doesnt bother me in the slightest, this means more to me than anything as you will all know
I'll also miss xmas dinner and birthday tea too, but it doesnt matter. They also offered me xmas eve for my op and i jumped at the chance then they offered my the 9th so i took it.

look forward to meeting you at the next support group. hope your consultation goes well.