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Well-Known Member
Hi all

I was supposed to be having surgery in Feb. On the advice of the dietitian, I rang the admissions secretary who said they are 'hoping' for Feb. I rang the other day and they are 'hoping' for March. To be in line with guidelines, surgery needs to be done by March, but I'm also aware that the hospital have had both bed and staff shortages, including two doctor strikes (I support the junior doctors) and this may not occur.

It's so frustrating. The lady said they give 2 weeks notice and can do it in a week. That's fine - the LDS I have is a weeks one.

I've waited over 5 years for this, so another few weeks shouldn't be an issue. I desperately need to start a new job and to do that I need to apply. I can't apply until I know roughly when I can start work. I've had one job application failed with no invite to interview - the same application got me a job, which I turned down as it was 1 years cover, plus meant a move to a different county and I didn't feel I could do that when I'm going to need my support network after surgery. The only reason I can think of as to why I didn't get an invite to interview was that I declared impending surgery.

I applied for and got a permanent job where I'm working now, but I didn't go to uni to do this job. It's better than nothing and although I won't get sick leave, before I got the job I had a 0 hour contract so wouldn't get sick leave either. I won't get sick leave as they're making me do 6 months probation, although I've worked for the company for 4 years, starting off in the role I'm doing now, and having two other roles in between while I was at uni. I feel it's a bit unfair, but I'm no worse off. Plus, I'm guaranteed work before and after. And I negotiated the same wage as I'm on now as they wanted to drop it by 23p per hour. I'm a qualified member of staff doing an unqualified role and I wasn't taking that pay cut! They agreed to match it but no increase.

I've psyched myself up for this and I'm frustrated now because nothing else can move on! I need to start a new job by around July/August because of the post qualifying course I need to do - you must do that within 2 years of qualifying and I'll have a year left by then. Nothing major, just needed to rant about it!

Wow Ellie, loads going on try to focus on one thing then cross it off your list.
Oh no, and a lot going on on the job front, it can be difficult to align everything and make decisions going forward when so much is at stake. Sit back, go over it slowly one at a time and soon you'll see the best way forward. Best of luck.

I'm having a pre-op assessment tomorrow for a wisdom tooth which needs removing. I rang them and they can't use the one I've already had. I then rang the bariatric team and I will probably have to have another one before WLS as the one I had was December.

Oh well, hopefully I will hear something soon!!! Work are pleased (my manager knows) and as I'm practically running the team, as out of 9, there are 5 off sick, one is never in the office, one has a mad case load and the manager. I'm manning the phones, dealing with every person that drops in, as well as holding, somehow, my own caseload. Manager keeps saying that she is in contact with the hospital, putting the op back and back, lol!

Stll, being so busy keeps me out of mischief and being so exhausted on a night means I'm in bed for 9pm usually!

I'm having a pre-op assessment tomorrow for a wisdom tooth which needs removing. I rang them and they can't use the one I've already had. I then rang the bariatric team and I will probably have to have another one before WLS as the one I had was December.

Oh well, hopefully I will hear something soon!!! Work are pleased (my manager knows) and as I'm practically running the team, as out of 9, there are 5 off sick, one is never in the office, one has a mad case load and the manager. I'm manning the phones, dealing with every person that drops in, as well as holding, somehow, my own caseload. Manager keeps saying that she is in contact with the hospital, putting the op back and back, lol!

Stll, being so busy keeps me out of mischief and being so exhausted on a night means I'm in bed for 9pm usually!

Feeling fed up finished tier 3 on the 3rd Dec 15 waited nearly 10 wks for discharge letter which said they are happy for me to have surgery went to doctors 19th Feb for him to refer me to Southampton spire called doctors 1 wk later and they said doctor did refer letter on the 25th Feb and heard nothing from Southampton yet. Feeling very low as I haven't got a clue wot is going on even if I hear from them and they say appointment is in 2 months it's the waiting and not knowing that is getting to me
Feeling fed up finished tier 3 on the 3rd Dec 15 waited nearly 10 wks for discharge letter which said they are happy for me to have surgery went to doctors 19th Feb for him to refer me to Southampton spire called doctors 1 wk later and they said doctor did refer letter on the 25th Feb and heard nothing from Southampton yet. Feeling very low as I haven't got a clue wot is going on even if I hear from them and they say appointment is in 2 months it's the waiting and not knowing that is getting to me

I've waited for 4 years...this last wait is the worst!

I had a pre-assessment today (having a wisdom tooth out). I rang last week asking why I needed another - could they not use the one for the WLS op? Oh no, they said, we can't possibly do that, they said.

Nurse today said they could have done, although they didn't have any of my notes (WLS at one hospital, tooth extraction at the other, in the same city!)

I think I may make a bet that the tooth extraction will come first...

Waste of a day of annual leave!

Keep with it. We can wait together!!
Hi Ellie in in the Southampton area also !
Hold fast and keep the faith lovely , you'll get there and it will all be worth it .
Still waiting!

Dietitian said the PCT hate it when they breach and the bariatric team haven't breached at all and they are not sure why.

Bed, staff sickness and strikes are my guesses.

So here's hoping for April!

I'd put on a little weight when saw her but got head in gear and have stopped with fizzy drinks, as they had crept in and gluten. I shouldn't have either anyway.

Focus and keep your eyes on the prize!
Have you had the pre op for the WLS yet? I can see that you've been waiting months and well remember how frustrating that is x
Had the pre op in December 2015! I'll need another one, I'm guessing, as things are changing. At this rate, the dental surgery will be before the WLS. It's frustrating because I'm now regretting turning down the job to concentrate on me and surgery - I could be 6 months into post now, but was told they have never breached the waiting times and I'll be in before March. It's now mid July. I've since had job interviews and am really struggling with them, struggling as I've been out for over a year and struggling because I feel like there is no point because I'm due surgery! I am also rapidly running out of time for the post-qualifying work I need to do (see first post).

I'd get a job sorted and surgery will happen when it does. The rest of your life is just as important as this part. I was putting professional issues on hold too but time was passing and it was just adding to the stress. Plus you know as soon as you get other stuff going your op date will come through. Here pre op is only 'good' for 12 weeks so I imagine you will need it to be redone. I'm not surprised you're so fed up, you've been waiting for years and been told it'll be soon so many times :( I really feel for you x
So I found out on Friday that surgery is Weds - my notes say that someone has spoken to me and I'm doing the liver diet.

I've spoken to no-one about this and now in panic - she was going to get back to me if 4 days pre op diet is enough and she didn't. I couldn't ring, I was tied up with a phone call for a service user for over an hour on Friday afternoon and I didn't finish work til 6. I only got a letter this morning! It's dated Weds and postmark is Thurs!

Obviously they aren't there today.

So going to have to manage best I can with pre op diet until I can contact them again on Mon. And of course, surgeon may say 4 days isn't long enough and change date. They couldn't organise a piss up in a flipping brewery. Will also be called for a pre op again!

Ellie .. What's your BMI ? if it's not to high then they are obviously happy to go ahead with the op ..