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Funding denied :(

:(Do not give up i have been turned down twice,last time 5 weeks ago.Keep in there ,
So sorry to hear about your funding being refused :(

Loved your appeal letter tho ;) :D

I was refused funding 1st time round, and like you felt very dispondent and disheartened. I decided to take a break from it all for a month or so, gathered my thoughts and then appealed again. I spoke with the woman who dealt with the paperwork that is passed to the pct panel, can't remember her proper title :eek: and she was very helpful.
Like you I had no comorbidities, not even high cholesterol!, so had to go down the exceptional circumstances route aswell as needing more clinical evidence. I focused on how i was a carer for my daughter with ADHD and ODD etc, and how it would cost the nhs alot of money to care for her if I was incapable to do that due to my weight increasing and making me more immobile ;), also I had to fill in questionaire re symptoms of sleep apnoea, which according to the form I was borderline (which I didn't have in the end but funding had been granted at that stage;)), which swayed their decision to a yes on appeal.

Have you been tested for sleep apnoea, or been given the form to fill out about it? also go into GREAT depth on how yur weight effects your daily living ie personal care ie dressing washing; walking, housework, shoppingetc. Also go into the personal stuff...how your weight effects relationships, even sex:eek:, lack of self esteem, etc, Be graphic!!!!
There are great appeal letters on here, just do a search for them. Hope this is some help, and good luck and keep trying x
thanks karma, that's really helpful. I can include things like the pain I have in my knees and feet, how I can't get out of the bath anymore and struggle to put on a pair of socks etc, also how my low self confidence prevents me getting a job so I live on benefits.
Well I had a phone call from my dad and stepmum today. They have made an offer to pay for me to have the bypass privately. I don't think they realised quite how expensive it was so I told them it was likely to be between 10-15k. I told them thankyou but no. I know they have savings but my dad is terminally ill and there is no way I could accept money from them which I would never be able to pay back. Also, if they paid I would feel so pressured to do well and I also know they would expect me to get a job once the weight had come off. I need to do this for myself and not for them if that makes sense. I have to admit that it would be very tempting to accept their generous offer though. But I'm going to go through the appeal process first. I also think that they are making the offer without thinking it through seriously, as I only told them yesterday that the funding was denied. Bless them both though, for worrying about me and wanting me to be happy and settled.
I just wanted to say I am so very sorry you have been turned down for funding this time, but like all the other excellent advice you have been given so far, don't give up. There are quite a few people on here that have had to appeal more than once to get their funding....but they did get it in the end...keep fighting. What a lovely generous offer form your stepmom & Dad, but I think you are very wise, in that see how the appeal process goes before making any decisions, like you say, you don't want any sort of pressure, even if it was totally unintentional xxxx
My doctor was convinced i would get the go ahead, but i also was told NO..... so stupid though in the time i was waiting i could have been good but was not!!!! by any chance where is the cheapest place to go to if you have to pay...... Good Luck all