New Member
I had a bit of an odd day yesterday ...
I have, til now, resisted eating in public 'just in case' (you know, better to be on home ground in case of dumping, adverse reactions, etc!!) Better to be safe than sorry!
However, yesterday, had a day with my sis & then took her kids (my wonderful nephew & niece) into town to do a bit of late night Xmas shopping for their presents for each other :47:.
ANYWAY, they invariably had to have Maconalds for tea but I was fine with that .. I thought! (Sis had had Burger King for lunch & I just had a a latte - which, for some reason, made me VERY hyper so sis has banned me :silly::8855
Kids had Chicken Nugget Happy Meals & I had a cup of tea - aren't I good?! :innocent0002: No, I also had ... one chicken nuggest, 5 chips AND a sip of Pepsi!
And it was sooooo good!! :gimi: But I felt really bad in an "OMG, what have I done?" way!! :argh: (But it was sooooo good!! Did I already say that?! )
Worse was to come ... My BIG weakness has always been crisps (the "Devils Food" as Shaw Somers said on TV!!) & sis buys boxes of them at Makro - don't ask! This week was Cheese & Onion Discos - my ultimate favourite!
I had two bags during the evening!
:ashamed0005: That's all I am saying.
The things that bother me;
I have, til now, resisted eating in public 'just in case' (you know, better to be on home ground in case of dumping, adverse reactions, etc!!) Better to be safe than sorry!
However, yesterday, had a day with my sis & then took her kids (my wonderful nephew & niece) into town to do a bit of late night Xmas shopping for their presents for each other :47:.
ANYWAY, they invariably had to have Maconalds for tea but I was fine with that .. I thought! (Sis had had Burger King for lunch & I just had a a latte - which, for some reason, made me VERY hyper so sis has banned me :silly::8855
Kids had Chicken Nugget Happy Meals & I had a cup of tea - aren't I good?! :innocent0002: No, I also had ... one chicken nuggest, 5 chips AND a sip of Pepsi!
Worse was to come ... My BIG weakness has always been crisps (the "Devils Food" as Shaw Somers said on TV!!) & sis buys boxes of them at Makro - don't ask! This week was Cheese & Onion Discos - my ultimate favourite!
I had two bags during the evening!
The things that bother me;
- no dumping on sugars or fats I have found - good
arty0011: .. but maybe not so good?
- chips !!
- I still long for what I can't have (don't we all!)
- I know I could so easily get into bad habits again & it DOES worry me :break_diet:
- I can't seem to get my butt into get to get sorted out with anything to do with my pouch, eating, etc