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Gaelic Girl is offline.....


New Member
Just had a text from GaelicGirl (Allie) to say she can't get online at the moment.
She's up in the lovely Isle of Lewis and passes on her best wishes to everyone.
Anyone who has her mobile number is welcome to give her a call if they want a chat.

Take care everyone.
Anne. x
Hi Anne, I have really missed Allie, I was wondering where she was... I don't have her mobile no, so please pass on my love and catch up when she is home... thanks for posting precious, I was going to ask about where Allie was as it's been a few days from hearing from her. Love and hugs to you all xxx
Thanks for that. Is her mom alright? Please give her my love and tell her I'll give her a call.


Rebirth xx
Hi, I text Allie your messages.
She says her mum hasnt been very well but is getting better. She sends her love to you all.
Hey Guys
Yeaaah i have a signal lol briefly. It's dire up here. Thanks Ann for posting for me. I'm missing everyone and i just wanted to say a quick hi and good luck to everyone having their ops and send lots of big hugs from this lovely scottish island to anyone who needs one. I'll try and pop on when i can but i'm back on the 28th. Lots of love to everyone miss you all x