baby jayne
New Member
As far as the website says he is still there, he is a bit young to retire I think by his photograph...I am waiting on a call back from them so I will let you know hun.
Thanks WLH
What was the aftercare like with Surgicare?
I must have been getting mixed up with the prices as I thought they where £7995 and the band fills where £ they do all their band fills by xray?
How many fills have you had and do you get any taken out when you fly over 3hrs?
Do you recommend them?
Thanks again. :jelous:
Forgot to say that Michael Van den Bossche is sposed to be the leading surgeon in Gastric Banding, not only in the UK but in all of Europe too according to people on the WLS forums.
But I think it depends on ones personal experience, as I have said I was very happy with my surgery apart from the size of the sewing...he does really big stitches.
my daughter went with the Hosp Group and she didnt hardly have any scars as they used the 'glue' method, not stitches, far better to my mind.
As far as the website says he is still there, he is a bit young to retire I think by his photograph...I am waiting on a call back from them so I will let you know hun.
I am going to find out more when the holiday is over about Spire and Surgicare as it will be between them who I go with. I was wandering Shelbel if you live near Murrayfields why did you not go with them?
WLH you have inspired me as I am same size you started at & height. good luck
Hi Muppet
Why are you having your band replaced? I thought when they are in they are there for life?
Have a look at Surgicare they have a very reputable surgeon Mr Ammouri.
Let me know how you get on.
Cheers x