Hi Hunni
Definitely have a look for WLS books. I have ordered:
1) Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies,
2) The Everything Post Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook: All
You Need to Meet & Maintain Your Weight Loss Goals
3) Eating Well After WLS - Low Fat High Protein Recipes
Hopefully these will answer ALL the questions about eating healthily because to be honest, at the moment I am eating sporadically because I am not hungry and I dont fully understand what I need and why. Slimfast and soup are my comfort blanket and I need to let them go and make smart choices!!!!
I am not so anxious about the need to be losing weight every week - after all from reading lots of different posts on here, we are running a marathon not the 100m sprint!!!! God forbid I ever run!!!!!!
Hope all is well with you and you are managing ok. My hospital date for check up is 25/3 @ 2pm. I have a feeling you are before this. Text me your date and I will see if I am able to meet up. Work have been lovely, and I am heading back into the office on Monday so I need to get organised re lunches / snacks and not fall back into old pattern of skipping breakfast & lunch.
Hugs to you x x x x x
Will have a look at the books, I did look pre op but wasn't sure what to get but recipes would be a great help.
I guess the difference between us now is i'm HUNGRY

but until i get a fill now and find restriction the battle is with my head and not allowing myself to over eat. According to my info sheets 4 weeks puree then 2 weeks mushy so am still doing ok

Seems our hospital info not as helpful as it may have been, i've learned just by being here, its protein first then veg then carbohydrates at end (if still hungry) your body burns more fat if you eat protein. Protein is the most filling food which keeps you fuller for longer to, i don't recall any info sheet explaining any of this lol :8855: I guess its just a huge learning curve to find what our body's want and need, and the goal posts are going to always be moving too.
re weight loss i think you've just got to relax about it and take it as it comes, there will be good weeks and some bad but at least we are going in the right direction and our new tool will help us maintain it....... My thinking is even just 2lb a week that's 5-6 stone by Christmas.
Clare-revised went back to work this week and listed food she was taking that may be some help
Yep hospital 12th March next Wednesday @ 2 Jeremy and dietician that should be fun !! will find out if i've been doing ok i guess lol
Be lovely if you were around to meet up but understand now your back to work its not so easy ... either way we'll catch up soon enough hunni
In the meantime sending huge hugs also take a look at nervousbutdetermind Tinas diary she lists her food daily that may give you some ideas for when your of puree. Theres also a thread somewhere with food ideas and quantities and menus in the bypass section, worth a nose x x x x x