New Member
Hi everyone, iv just joined today, I hope everyone is well.
Thought Id write my experience over the last ten months.
I am 55 yrs old and Female.
5"5 in height.
At my highest weight I was 22 stone
The N.H.S told me I had to prove I could lose weight before they would consider me for surgery.
By the time I got my op I was down to 17stone 7lb
I had my op on the 18th of July 2012
I lost a stone a month and in 6 month I lost 6 stone and over the next few weeks I lost the 7lb, I am now 11 stone, exactly half the weight I was.
I have now stopped losing but I have to say I dont want to lose any more, most of whats left is hanging skin, which im affraid is the down side of losing so much weight, im currently looking at cosmetic surgery abroad as the N.H.S wont help at all.
I have found a good sergeon but dont know if I am allowed to put the address on here.
Hummmm the things that happened to me while losing weight,??? now this does not happen to everyone but it could.
I had to have my Gaul Bladder removed, they said its what happenes with these ops, I also developed a very large Ulcer where they bypassed the stomache, just be aware of these things.
Other than that I am fit and healthy
My Diabetes has disappeared
My Sleep Apnia has disappeared
High Colestrol Gone
My High Blood Pressure is normal now
No more Fatty Liver
ALL NORMAL and I feel fantastic.
11 stone has gone off my bones and I can walk again without pain...
If you have any question just ask me....Vivien...x
Thought Id write my experience over the last ten months.
I am 55 yrs old and Female.
5"5 in height.
At my highest weight I was 22 stone
The N.H.S told me I had to prove I could lose weight before they would consider me for surgery.
By the time I got my op I was down to 17stone 7lb
I had my op on the 18th of July 2012
I lost a stone a month and in 6 month I lost 6 stone and over the next few weeks I lost the 7lb, I am now 11 stone, exactly half the weight I was.
I have now stopped losing but I have to say I dont want to lose any more, most of whats left is hanging skin, which im affraid is the down side of losing so much weight, im currently looking at cosmetic surgery abroad as the N.H.S wont help at all.
I have found a good sergeon but dont know if I am allowed to put the address on here.
Hummmm the things that happened to me while losing weight,??? now this does not happen to everyone but it could.
I had to have my Gaul Bladder removed, they said its what happenes with these ops, I also developed a very large Ulcer where they bypassed the stomache, just be aware of these things.
Other than that I am fit and healthy
My Diabetes has disappeared
My Sleep Apnia has disappeared
High Colestrol Gone
My High Blood Pressure is normal now
No more Fatty Liver
ALL NORMAL and I feel fantastic.
11 stone has gone off my bones and I can walk again without pain...
If you have any question just ask me....Vivien...x