Disclaimer - This is my personal opinion and not aimed at offending anyone.
Both PG and HC had a fair point to make. I wish someone had pointed out to me early on that I needed to consider more what I ate. The whole principal of only eating things of nutritional value is an extremely valid one and one that I wish I'd heard of earlier. If HC's post ensures that other pre-op and just post-op patients are more aware of that principal then that is a good thing.
I don't think that either HC or PG intended to offend or bite anyones heads off. Both are extremely caring people who's main aim on here is to give back the support that they received, and to help other people to learn the lessons any post op patient has to learn without having to do it the hard way.
It is very easy to misinterpret the written word, and to forget that behind every post is a person. My personal philosophy is to always believe that every person has a positive motive for everything they do, be it speech, action or writing.