Committed Weight Loser
I am sitting at my computer feeling rather worried to say the least,
You see I'm not the standard Bander, Im a lot older than most of you but I feel I am doing the right thing
Both my daughters have had the surgery and have lost loads of weight, so it finally spurred me on
I'm on day 6 Milk diet and let me tell you, Boy I have found it hard going, I would just love some soup instead of milk, I'm just wanting something savoury, any ideas how to get through the last 2 days...Oxo cube isn't quite the same as a hot mug of soup, Oh what I would do for a soup, lol
Well I'm loving looking at all your wonderful threads, many of you are true inspirations!!!
I am sitting at my computer feeling rather worried to say the least,
You see I'm not the standard Bander, Im a lot older than most of you but I feel I am doing the right thing
Both my daughters have had the surgery and have lost loads of weight, so it finally spurred me on
I'm on day 6 Milk diet and let me tell you, Boy I have found it hard going, I would just love some soup instead of milk, I'm just wanting something savoury, any ideas how to get through the last 2 days...Oxo cube isn't quite the same as a hot mug of soup, Oh what I would do for a soup, lol
Well I'm loving looking at all your wonderful threads, many of you are true inspirations!!!