New Member
Well hello everyone my name is Georgina im 39 and like my friend debs76 i had a bypass on may 31st 2007, my starting weight was 25st now im 18st but for the last 5-6 weeks ive stayed the same:cry:i have trouble eatin most foods but like alot of you crisps and sweets and snacks go down easily so naughty me
i would like some encouragement and support with protein if anyone has it, i would like to say congratulations to deb76 on her loss of 9st i met her last year when we had a bypass on the same day and we have kept in touch so thanks deb for your support to me
its a long hard road and its very emotional as well physically as well as mentally, oh and next week i will reach another milestone, i will be 40
i have a wonderful husband and 4 great kids who give me support but just wanted feedback off people who have had a bypass thanks for taking the time to read this and i wish everyone good luck with their weightloss,