New Member
ir0x0rz, you made some excellent points. The atkins diet is not a) sustainable as a lifestyle or b) a great choice for post-bypass. The atkins diet, which that is what it is so it is doomed to fail, advocates exclusion of certain foods and an emphasis on fat. If I have given the impression that a no-carb diet is my choice, I have been misunderstood. What I advocate is carb control, not carb elimination. All good things in moderation. And also, pick your carbs for their nutrition value not as filler, which in truth is how most people use carbs, I know I always had to 'round' out my meal with simple carbs or I felt something was missing.
Great tip about the carbs in low-fat products, you do have to be careful. sugar-free products often have added fat and low-fat product often have high sugar. Truth is we should all pay attention to labels because food manufacturers are tricky. They slip bad stuff into your good stuff all the time. What gets me is the diversity between two brands of the same product. Red pasta sauce is a biggy, some are loaded with added sugar, others are full of fat. Be educated about your food is what I guess I am saying, it is such an important part of changing your lifestyle post-op. And that is the real goal, right? Change your lifestyle so that you never, ever have to go on a diet again.

Great tip about the carbs in low-fat products, you do have to be careful. sugar-free products often have added fat and low-fat product often have high sugar. Truth is we should all pay attention to labels because food manufacturers are tricky. They slip bad stuff into your good stuff all the time. What gets me is the diversity between two brands of the same product. Red pasta sauce is a biggy, some are loaded with added sugar, others are full of fat. Be educated about your food is what I guess I am saying, it is such an important part of changing your lifestyle post-op. And that is the real goal, right? Change your lifestyle so that you never, ever have to go on a diet again.