Hi Guys, just had a fantastic weekend with Sue who arrived on Friday night. We went to Masterchef Live exhibition at Olympia on Saturday and had the time of our life! Managed to sample loads of foods and drinks and bought some super stuff including sugar replacements, more of that in my diary in a day or 2.
Today I cooked a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings including Yorkshires, (thanks Bev for the recipe, it went really well). Well after that I popped the question and Sue accepted, so we are now engaged!

We hope to tie the knot sometime next year but there are lots of things going on, including me selling/renting my flat and moving up north, so who knows when the great day will be. :love047:
Sue has gone home on the train tonight and tells me that she is grinning ear to ear, which is quite different to how she normally feels on the way home.