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got my letter!!!!!!


New Member
:D my letter came today soooo excited!
:) now it is offical my 1st appointment is on the 22nd april at st richards with mr slater. the form that comes with the letter has a section asking you to fill in your dieting history what you have done and dates , it is so small!! not sure i'll have enough room might need another sheet tee hee
love kate xxx
YAY at last. Im really pleased for you hun. The start of the new you!!
great news!! hope its the start of a SHORT journey!
well done now you know you are on the way to becoming a loser
Hi Kate.......I am getting really paranoid now!!!!! My appointment is a week after you and I STILL have no letter. If you are given a questionnaire to complete after the operation with the opportunity to comment on how you thought things were progressed, I know what I'll be complaining about! Good luck for 22nd. Let us know how you get on. I'm seeing Mr Slater on 29th (if I ever get the letter of course....LOL!!!! Love Julie