Hi Lizzie,
I’m also under the Homerton Hospital, I haven’t had my surgery just yet but I can give you some information on my journey so far.
I’m 5ft4. At the time of my referral, I had a BMI of 40 and I weighted 108kg.
At the moment there is no tier 3 in my area (Hackney), and Homerton currently doesn't offer an alternative program like some other hospitals do. You’ll be fine.
I was referred in March 2018 and my first appointment was in May. I was seen by a Dietitian and a Consultant. The appointments were to talk about my weight loss history, eating habits etc and to also establish if I needed further assessments such as Psychology, Physiotherapy, Sleep Studies, Endoscopy and so on.
Lucky as I have no health complications, all that was I required to do were bloods and ECG tests.
I then went to a Bariatric workshop at a later date, which was for about an hour. I found this very informative as we were given loads of information on all the different types of surgery and how the whole process works at the Homerton.
I was then advised I needed to loose 5-10% of my weight, and I needed to take vitamin supplements for three months as I was a little low on my vitamin D. (I would strongly advise you to start taking an all vitamin and mineral supplement from now so this doesn’t set you back in any way, should you be low in anything as Homerton take this serious from my experience).
I was then taken to the MDT meeting and I have recently been given the all clear for surgery. Just waiting for my pre-surgery appointments to happen and then I will be given an official date for surgery.
I did have a few set backs in between particularly because of my weight and BMI being borderline, and the fact that I have no other health issues or complications. I am literally an easy case.
Nevertheless, I stood my ground and refused to be robbed off at any opportunity. What really helped me was the fact the my referal letter from my GP was very very detailed and “backed up” all my claims of attempts to loose weight over the past years.
I probably would have had my surgery by now if didn’t have these minor set backs so Homerton do work very very fast.
Feel free to PM me of you want to talk more and I can give you more detailed info