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Grey stools TMI


New Member
sorry if this is TMI but the past two days ive had a fever and stomach ache and i have been passing grey stools :( i have googled this and it has me down for liver failure! EEK i do have the doctors tmrw to see about something different but i shall be asking about this first! i had an ultra sound of my gallbladder, pancreas kidneys etc a few months ago i also had my bloods done recently and high B12 was all that showed up! im pretty sure this is a bug which is 'going about' im just wondering if any of you guys have suffered this and what was your outcome??
thanks x
It can also be an indicator of poor bile output from your gall bladder. I'd take a stool sample with you to the GP tomorrow. You should definitely tell him about it. Hope this helps :)
thanks. yeah i wasnt that worried about my gallbladder due to it being scanned recently but ill see what she says and let you know x
NICE...i am taking the calci chews and the past week i thought i needed to take the fast tabs again so started on them for a few days but ive stopped them.. ive picked up a bug for sure but will see what tmrw brings
Hello been to the docs and to be honest its all settling down anyway itself something i ate! ill keep an eye on my bowels :).. had all my blood results today as well and everything is hunky dorey x