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had my bypass 6days ago anyone else had theres this week


Six Month Post Op
:wave_cry:hi im new my names brandi im from london and i had a gastric bypass laproscopically at chelsea and westminister hospital with dr bomonomi last thursday 15th oct 09

i was so scared goin in and i came out of hospital on monday the 19th im currently on clear fluids and have NO IDEA what i can have other than milk tea and vegtable water anyone know of any thinkg else i could have?

sory if this has already been done i joined 5 minutes ago and im not sure whats happenin with this site theres millions of you

Hi Brandi,

Welcome to MiniMins.

Congratulations and well done on having your operation over you and hopefully you are well on your way now to a speedy recovery.

Here is a link to help you make your way around and if you need any help be sure to ask.

I am sure one of our members will be along shortly who have gone or are about to go through your experience and will be able to answer your questions and share their journey with you.

Love Mini xxx
Hi Brandi
Welcome to minis and congratulations on your bypass glad to hear all went well and you are on the losing side now. I had keyhole bypass ten weeks ago and feeling the benfits already. As far as the first two weeks go along with what you have mentioned i ate smooth low fat yougharts, low fat custard and sugar free angel delight. I made home made veg soup and blended it to a thin smooth consistency. Also chicken noodle soup is good strained. Any questions feel free to ask, Nice to have you on board xx
aww everyones so lovely

ive done everything wong lol im 176 kg i dont know how much that is in pounds lol

im so rubbish at these things

im stil on clear fluids im i cant move up to pureed til sunday so im gonna look forward to some angel delight woo that sounds wicked thanx hun
Hello Brandi

Congrats on your surgery and glad all is going well,

Mine is in 19 days time (eeek)
Currently introducing myself to milk diet and hoping to drop a bit more weight before the day itself.

Do post and let us know how you are doing?
thanx peirce how can i change it lol

im so sad lol

sukay you should look at my pics or not coz there kinda straight afte the op
i was so scared the docs let my mum in be in the room with me while i got put to sleep coz i was shaking and crying last thing i heard was mum say your gonna wake up and its gonna seem like 5 minutes
and thats what happened i woke up in no pain but i did have my morphine in my hand lol i mum said i was in love with everyone and i kept cryin and thankin my surgeon lol
Hi Brandi

I had my keyhole bypass on 13th so I'm 2 days further on from you.
Just about to go onto puree but don't really want much at the moment.
Getting all the fluid in is taking me all day and I'm struggling.

Holding on to everyones assurance that things get better day by day.
thats wicked hope you feel better i know how you feel i keep drinkin coz everyones woried il dehydrate but im fine just tired
Hi Brandi - I'm 2 weeks post op. I've been having home made chicken broth but after a few days I felt I needed something a little more substantial so I put some potato flakes in it just to give a better consistency. This week I was craving vegetables so I roasted some butternut squash, onion, leek, peppers and garlic then blitzed it all with tinned chopped tomatoes and tinned cannelini beans. Yum. Tonight I put some parmesan in it for extra protein. Be careful though, you have to make sure the cheese has fully melted - and don't put in so much that it forms an elastic mass - that would cause intense pain. Highlight or Options hot chocolate are ok - so is soya milk if you like it. As Gaelic Girl said, diet yogurts (smooth - no bits). So anything, really, as long as it can go through a seive at this stage. I hope this helps and - welcome to the site! Mxx
hi brandi n welcome to minis and congratulations on everything going well with your bypass. i had mine on monday 19th and ive just had som weight watchers tommato soup they said the chicken was ok too , i was told to make the veg soup i was having on my pre op diet but to make sure it was blended really smoth and not thick, you can have slimfast shakes too and fomage fraise with no lumps in, i hope that is some help..............kath x
Hi Brandi, I had Band so no advice but just wanted to say welcome and congrats on yr op. You will get good ideas, help, support and general loveliness from the people here x
Welcome Brandi

I had my op on 14th Oct.

I have just started having mash watered down with gravy so its dead sloppy. Mmm its delicious also try puttin some mash in your soup to thicken it slightly. Not too thick tho its still gotta run off the spoon.
awww thanx for the comments the doc said ive gotta have clear fluids til sunday how im not allowed mash or that til then you lot r luck :(