Hi, hair needs protein so that is THE most important thing to keep up before and after your op. No matter what else you do - keep up your protein intake!
Protein shakes are a good option when you don't or can't eat. Try Myprotein who do sample satchets of their Impact Whey Protein before you commit yourself to a huge bag. I found the choc ones horrible but the fruit, vanilla and plain ones really good.
Molkeprotein | Sportlernahrung | Ergänzungen | Bodybuildingergänzungen | Proteinergänzungen - Myprotein (Deutschland))
Remember to include your shakes in your calorie allowance ( or try adding Marvel to your milk to up your protein intake).
Solvazinc is recommended by a lot of sugeons but not prescribed. It is available online and it is recommended you take 3 a day but I only took 1 or 2 a day.
Biotin and Silica Complex are great for hair, nails and general recovery and are highly recommended on US forums - I take 1, sometimes 2 a day and they are available from Puritan's Pride UK site:
Discount Vitamins & Herbal Supplements from Puritan's Pride Puritan United Kingdom
I've seen similar products in Holland & Barret but havn't tried them.
I also used Kerastase Specifique shampoo which can protect your hair against breaking which for a lot of people is what is actually happening, the hair isn't falling out - it's breaking:
Kérastase Spécifique: for specific scalp and hair concerns
I had a few weeks of really wierd fuzzy hair at about 3 or 4 months but apart from that, my hair has been fine and there's been no noticable loss.
Remember that what is happening to your hair at the present time is a result of what your body was going through months ago (thats why a lot of hair-loss happens at 3-6 months post-op) so keep your protein and supplements levels high through the pre and early post-op stages.
Best of luck.

Biggy x