I think it's mainly this same hysterical media coverage which then informs people too lazy to think things through for themselves which triggers this kind of ignorant remark.
Like in the past, the media became hysterical over the so-called 'yuppie flu' which was M.E/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - a genuine and potentially killer disease which robs people of life and dignity. M.E sufferers are still tremendously stigmatised, even by sectors of the health profession, because of it.
As with obesity, the media like to whip up a storm to sell papers, tv shows etc, but fail to properly research and inform people of the true disease nature of the condition. Hysteria sells better I guess!
It makes me very angry too.
I guess you have two choices - either attempt to educate the ignorant,
to chose to ignore them.
I personally choose the first in the main, although I also don't choose to 'cast my pearls before swine'!
Some people are just too ignorant to help!
Here endeth Charis's rant!