Love my sleeve!!
I cried after my bypass. Proper tears, feeling sorry for myself thinking what the hell have i done. Ive lost 31lbs in 3 weeks which is great. But i do wish i could have done it naturally. Id advise anyone thinking of surgery to fully think it over. As its just a really strict diet really.
I know its easy for me to say it. But, knowing what i know now and how it is. Id be somewhat inclined to reverse the clock back 2 weeks and go on ww.
You need massive amounts of self control after surgery, a bit like a diet. But the only difference is if you slip up after surgery you'll be really ill etc, which is a lot more painful than a little guilt etc
I hope i dont put anyone off. I just wanted to give you my honest feedback xx
I think that where some people jump on their new life with vigor, others have to grieve and mourn the loss of their old life before they can accept the new one, hopefully you will feel better soon and grab this opportunity to start a new healthy and slimmer happy life. Good luck miss D, I sincerely wish you all the very best and hope you feel more positive and happy soon mwah!!