New Member
I tell everyone who will listen, im so excited i cant help it 
Nicky xx
Nicky xx
NorthShore said:Dawny, that's great! So glad you have so many supportive people around you!
When I went to my dr. I pretty much had to talk him into it... I laid it out for him: 1) type 2 diabetes requiring insulin 2) sleep apnea 3) high cholesterol 4) knee pain. And I have tried like mad to do it the "old fashioned" way. He caved and referred me... But it has been a LOT of work getting to having it done next week. I'm scared witless but excited... For the first time in a very long time I feel hopeful about having a great ACTIVE life.
I'm in the process of telling people now as hopefully will have it done in April - had some positive, a lot of negative and some neutral. The problem is some think it's an easy way out, if only they knewother who I thought would be supportive ain't?? Strange as my dad who was totally against it has seen how down I am & has turned full circle even giving money towards it bless. Hubby does tend to kept things close to his chest but has now said how worried he is about me having the band as we have 2 small children & he doesn't want to loose me, I have taped the biggest loser for him to watch so he understands what's it like (as I cried all through it last night as I can so relate to their reasons lol). It's a big decision & you always hope all your loved ones will be on the journey with you but I suppose some will & for those who don't agree then do they really know you & understand what it's like
Hi Shannon, i too am a nurse and in a way i think that is making it harder for me to tell anyone my intention. i am worried that they will judge me and think that being a health professional i should not of allowed myself to get into this state in the first place. i have told two very close friends who i know i can trust but i am dreading telling my mum who has been a size 10-12 her entire life and my husband who i think just wont understand that i need to do this. its a tough call. i dont want to lie to people but at the same time i dont want to tell anyone. One of my biggest worries is work, i have assumed from posts i have read that you get an average of four weeks notice of your op date is that right? i have two options i can take planned sick leave or holidays but if i use holidays in an attempt to keep my secret i would need to request the time off well in advance where as if its planned sick leave i will just inform my boss when i get a surgery date but would rather not have told her. did anyone else have this dilema? and how long did you take off work? xi have told everyone i NEED and WANT to tell, only found one person to be very negative towards me, my reply was ..... its my choice, they dont know what its like to be me, therefore please dont judge me..... as i am a nurse, everyone i work with have been positive, but like most other people you need to judge who needs to know and why they need to know