I now need to eat a huge portion of humble pie! Today, 8 weeks post-op, I had a hospital appointment with my consultant. It appears I have been very unlucky. The 2nd opinion has come back and I have had cancer of the appendix which is extremely rare. This caused the intussusception of my bowels resulting in my appendix ( cancerous mass as it was unrecognisable as an appendix) and most of my colon being removed. There is no link to my bypass. Nor was it caused by lifestyle, diet, alcohol etc just plain bad luck! He told me he only sees about 2 patients every 10 years with appendiceal cancer. I need to have a CT scan pronto to check it hasn't spread or is lurking elsewhere, and then they need to keep a close eye on me. I will need a CT scan every 6 months. There is a chance that mucins from the appendix mucocele may have spread like spores and embedded in my abdominal wall ready to turn into cancer.
The operation to remove my bowels was complicated by the bypass, especially the adhesions that had formed and meant my bowels were stuck to my stomach BUT the bypass played no part in what happened to me. It would have happened regardless of bypass being there or not. The chances of cancer coming back is 5%. I now have no confidence in statistics as I haven't been very lucky with them in the past!
I am pretty shocked by all this as you can imagine.
To console myself, I went into a monsoon store in Swindon retail outlet and bought myself another size 14 dress for only a tenner! Brightened up a crap day! Have lost 2 stone now since op and am down to 12stone 8lbs. Consultant said rapid weight loss was associated with this type of major operation and said well done! Also said he advises 12-14 weeks recovery as I told him I was very fatigued and lacked energy. He said it was to be expected.
Hubbie is 2 weeks post-op after an umbilical hernia op. His dressings are being changed by my district nurse and he has had his staples out this week. Says he is still very sore and been told not to lift, bend, stretch etc for another 6 weeks. Difficult for a builder !
Am supposed to be going to Majorca next week but it will be touch and go whether my wound will heal in time. Really want to go swimming but everyone is advising me not to if wound has not closed completely. Have had to disclose my medical conditions to obtain holiday insurance.
So that's it really! Don't let me put you off a bypass! This would have happened to me regardless. I have just been very unlucky but as the consultant said today " someone must have been looking down on you because most appendiceal cancers go undetected until it's too late"!!!!! PERHAPS THE BYPASS Helped me in the end!!!

Not going to look good in a bikini !!!!!
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