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Having a really bad day :-(

Hope this isn't too long winded but here goes:

Today I went to the hospital with my mum for her cardiology appt and was stood at the desk when I started to feel a bit shakey so I went to sit down and suddenly felt really sick, ran to the loo and nothing came up. Then felt the need for the toilet and had quite bad diarrhea (sorry!) which is the first time since op (usually the other way!).

After settling went and sat back down and about 10mins of sitting my heart started racing (120bmp, my normal resting HR is 60bmp) and I felt really light headed. I thought I'd pop round to A&E seeing as though my mum was done and we were there and they took heart rate when I first got there and was still 120bmp, then after lying on bed went down to 89bmp.

The doc did ECG and HR had gone straight back down to 60 and ECG was fine. BP was 'perfect' according to doc (127/80).

They said it could be one of a few things; dumping, an infection (belly button port weeping a little bit), I had IUD fitted last wk so could be infection from that, came on for first time in a yr, very heavily 4days ago and still going strong so could be that or I'm purely trying too much too soon. Basically they don't know but gave me some liquid antibiotics just incase it was an infection and sent me home!

I feel fine now, just tired.

Basically, my questions is can you dump on something you've previously had no probs with? I've had Complan every morning with 200ml skimmed milk (only diff today is I made with 300ml) it takes me about an hr to drink which, as I said, I have done every morning and been fine. Could the above possibly have been me dumping???
It sounds like dumping to me. I had it happen to me last night too after eating some fruit in juice. I have had it before and it didn't affect me that time. I was rushing to the bathroom all night. I wasn't sick but had the frothing at the mouth and loads of saliver and the runs (tmi).
I'm still not feeling fully recovered and haven't felt like eating today.
Hope you feel less tired later.
Lynne x
From my experience of dumping, I've had the dizzy feeling and the heart racing. When I was in the milk shake stage I found for some reason the 1st morning shake caused the dumping issues. The dietician advised it may have been the fruit whizzed up in the shake that was too much on an empty stomach. She advised going onto a very milky weetabix and the dumping stopped. Glad ur feeling better hun. Take it easy over the next few days. X
Ooh sounds really tough, hope you are feeling better now.
A saluatory lesson to all us pre-oppers to watch what we eat or drink that despite the dietitian saying not everyone dumps those that do don't have a nice time of it. Thanks for sharing as I certainly would rather know and do my best to avoid this than experience it. For me the thought is enough to be extremely careful. Thank you fo sharing and I do so hope youcan work out what triggered it for you.
From my experience of dumping, I've had the dizzy feeling and the heart racing. When I was in the milk shake stage I found for some reason the 1st morning shake caused the dumping issues. The dietician advised it may have been the fruit whizzed up in the shake that was too much on an empty stomach. She advised going onto a very milky weetabix and the dumping stopped. Glad ur feeling better hun. Take it easy over the next few days. X

Will try that hun!
Oh dear that sounds awful - do banders dump?

Banders don't dump! Lucky you! lol

Ooh sounds really tough, hope you are feeling better now.
A saluatory lesson to all us pre-oppers to watch what we eat or drink that despite the dietitian saying not everyone dumps those that do don't have a nice time of it. Thanks for sharing as I certainly would rather know and do my best to avoid this than experience it. For me the thought is enough to be extremely careful. Thank you fo sharing and I do so hope youcan work out what triggered it for you.

I have a phobia of being sick so have been soooo anal about what i've been eating or drinking and up til today havent been sick or felt nauseous once. The only thing that it could have been is the Complan as that's all I had drunk/eaten since yesterday! Just wondering why it has happened today when I've been fine on it for nearly 2wks!
Perhaps the increased amount just tipped the scales today. I hate being sick as well one of the reasons for chosing the bypass was that thought and that hope this will stop me from straying from the sensible diet we have to have and back into the old bad habits.
The headache and funny feelings I have had in the past when I have had far to many sweets at once is enough to put me off, so I hope my head and body learn the lessons well and I don't go there but if like you I innocently trigger a bout of dumping I learn quickly what casued it and not to repeat it.
I appreciate your sharing your experience so much and do so hope you are feeling much better soon and never have to experience it again.
Hi hope you feeling better.xx
I hope your feeling better tonight hon too xx
AngelEyezHoney said:
Hope this isn't too long winded but here goes:

Today I went to the hospital with my mum for her cardiology appt and was stood at the desk when I started to feel a bit shakey so I went to sit down and suddenly felt really sick, ran to the loo and nothing came up. Then felt the need for the toilet and had quite bad diarrhea (sorry!) which is the first time since op (usually the other way!).

After settling went and sat back down and about 10mins of sitting my heart started racing (120bmp, my normal resting HR is 60bmp) and I felt really light headed. I thought I'd pop round to A&E seeing as though my mum was done and we were there and they took heart rate when I first got there and was still 120bmp, then after lying on bed went down to 89bmp.

The doc did ECG and HR had gone straight back down to 60 and ECG was fine. BP was 'perfect' according to doc (127/80).

They said it could be one of a few things; dumping, an infection (belly button port weeping a little bit), I had IUD fitted last wk so could be infection from that, came on for first time in a yr, very heavily 4days ago and still going strong so could be that or I'm purely trying too much too soon. Basically they don't know but gave me some liquid antibiotics just incase it was an infection and sent me home!

I feel fine now, just tired.

Basically, my questions is can you dump on something you've previously had no probs with? I've had Complan every morning with 200ml skimmed milk (only diff today is I made with 300ml) it takes me about an hr to drink which, as I said, I have done every morning and been fine. Could the above possibly have been me dumping???

Hope you feel better soon
Get some rest xxx

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
least you were in hospital when it happened! It does sound similar to the dumping ive read about hun, cant offer you any advise on why though :confused:

Id take the antibiotics anyway and go easy for the next few days.

Hope you feel better soon lady x
It happened again last night! Was my mums bday yday and we went cinema in eve and then she wanted to go to Frankie and Benny's so in we went. My mum, her bf and my sis all stuck in to starters etc and I just ordered canelloni with spinach and ricotta and ate the middle bit and left the pasta. Didn't eat much and between them they finished it. So they were al mucking around, getting drunk etc while I was taking pics of it all lol and started to feel a bit sick. Just thought I must have eaten too much. Dropped them back to mums and went and sat down for a bit and off my heart goes again! 135bmp this time! Nausea, the other, sweaty etc so after a while heart let up a little so I came home and slept and feel ok-ish today but am just scared of eating!!!

Yesterday was a bad day for me :-(
hi angel.sorry your having a rough ride ,im only pre op ,but my info from hospital ,wouldnt advice me have cannelloni so close to my surgery, so id be a bit concerned with what else is in the meals eaten out ,ie added butter,maybe thats causing you to dump,just an idea ,really do hope your feeling better today , xxx
I didn't actually eat the canelloni. Just the cheese and spinach which was soft (am allowed to eat this now) and I asked if any butter or anything was added and they said no. Just startin to worry me as I'm scared of eating anything lol
i can understand that love ,someone will give you some advice im sure , x hope you get sorted x
Thanks hun. Am sat here tentatively eating a fat free yoghurt! lol
Do you think you could have developed a lactose intolerance? I did post op, i'm not kidding you i couldn't get to the toilet fast enough and without been too gross on a couple of occasions i didn't make it!

Just a thought, oh and by the way if it is lactose intolerance i have to say mine disappeared after a few weeks...

Maybe try and get lactofree milk/dairy products and prepare your food from scratch so you know what's in it? elimination and all that xxx
:hug99:Just go right back to basics hun and stick with the yoghurts for a while. Hope you feel better soon.