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i ring every week i was delayed for blood investigations have spoke to them today and i start pre op this weekend they have 2 dates in april available and she will ring when they have the 1 im in on yes finally
Oh my how excitingOmg! I saw my surgeon last week and he said recommends the gastric bypass which is what I wanted and he was happy for me to go straight on the list. I was chuffed to bits! Yesterday I had a call from the bariatric nurse saying theyve had a cancellation and would I like to have my bypass next Wednesday!!!! Shocked/scared/excited much!! So now im trying to get everything sorted and go on the pre op diet which going by my my bmi should have been 4 weeks! Has anyone had this happen at such short notice? If so how did you get on?
Hi thankyou! Im now 3 days post op and Im feeling ok. Lots of aches and pains and full of gas that I cant shift but I'll get there lol. My biggest problem is the surgical stockings ive been told to wear for two weeks!! Theyre driving me nuts lol!
You're welcome sweet pea, glad it helped you. xBig Dave B I tried the infacol and it has really helped! Thankyou for that xx