New Member
Hiya hun, hows things going your end, how you managing with the LSD!! Did you start this on the 18th, that was my daughters 13th? Not long now for you, I bet your getting mixed emotions, nerves and excitementWow your having good weight losses
It's amazing how much getting this surgery can change your outlook on things, regarding food my mind set has changed so much and I'm finding that I can say no to things without even hesitating where as only a few months ago I would of just took it and shoved it in my mouth without hesitation as to what I was eating and the calories now I'm checking the calories on everything that I eat and the protein content too!! And the bread which I thought I would struggle with hasn't been too bad, I've only had 3 slices since last week
I hope you have a lovely weekend, I have a house party happening for my 13 year old so will have a houseful of kids and party food so wish me luck lol
Hey, I'm good thanks. Sounds like you're doing really well too. I did start on the 18th (happy birthday to you daughter!) and it's been ok. I'm only doing it for breakfast and lunch except I've not had time to have it at breakfast time so I've had 2 shakes at lunch. Felt hungry yesterday and stupidly had some chocolate. I had to nip to boots and couldn't resist a twix! Grrrr. But it's ok cause these few days are just extra. I start properly on Sunday.
I'm getting nervous and more excited. I feel ready now. I could have been having it on Monday if I'd have accepted the first date they offered but I'm happy with my decision to wait.
Ive just started using myfitnesspal app and it's great for tracking. I love scanning barcodes and it gives you all the protein, fat etc. I'm trying to keep a paper diary too.
I'm off out for lunch tomorrow, the final supper! Haha. Have a wonderful party weekend, good luck!! Catch up soon x