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Hello RNY newbie here


New Member
Just found this ap on my phone and thought I would say hello to everybody
I'm 5 months post RNY & live near Chester in the UK
Hi Chester Girl, welcome to the forum, only joined recently myself (3 months post rny) looking forward to hearing more about your "journey" x
Hi chester girl, you've come to the right place , this site is fab...so much support x
Hello Chester girl and all the other newbies above...

Welcome to the site and welcome to the friendliest wls place in the universe, or at least the internet.

How is your journey going? Where did you have your op? Who did it? How much weight loss have you had? Are you having any problems we can help with?

So many things to ask, maybe you and some of the other newbies could fill in a bit of your profile so we can see a little bit about you? Look forward to hearing from you xx
Helloooooo Chester girl form a Wirral lass ;)

Welcome to the forum, dive in get chatting and you'll find all the help, support, giggles and friends you could ask for.

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Thank you for all your hello's
Doing well so far have lost 6 stone .. Since the 21st september Feeling tons better probably another 4 stone to go
No major problems (touch wood) apart from hair loss and baggy skin ...but I was expecting that
Would love to fill in my profile but when I try to it says access denied ... Any help gratefully accepted x
You need to have made 50 posts before you can do things like your profile. Your total posts so far are in the info on the left of your posts.

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