New Member
After years of dieting with only temporary results and months on doctor prescriped pills with no results I finally plucked up the courage to ask my doctor for surgery. That was April 2011. I was initially told that weight loss surgery was not available in my area on the NHS. Sadly I'm not in a position to be able to fund such an op myself. Extremely frustrated and devastated that I'd been ushered out the doctors door with yet more pills that don't work, I did a little bit of research and my mother rung my area's PCT and spoke to a very nice man who told me to march back into my gp and restate my case with the knowledge he had provided me with. Feeling a little bit more confident I saw another doctor but yet again was knocked back pending a sleep test. 3 months later I had my sleep test and results and I was diagnosed with OSA - mild although provided with a CPAP mask last July that I stopped using as I slept better without it, now the current weight loss and the stopping of smoking I feel loads better and don't get the symptomatic feelings I did last year before being diagnosed. Although its not sometimg I wanted to develop in my life I am thankful for the result as it backed my case and on the 21st July 2011 my request to be refered for a gastric band was accepted! Hurrah...
I've always had a weight problem as has my mum and her immediate relatives. I've been on every crash diet, fad diet, club diet, meal replacement, pills and miracle cure but I always end up worse than before. So this to me is my last chance and I pray and hope and wish it works!
I was referred to Homerton in August 2011 with my first appointment day on the 30th September 2011. So I had my day of appointments and the group session with advice, surgery info and diet info which was great, The dietians and would be surgeon, Mr Koak, were great really cleared my mind about things and spoke to me rather than at me and I really felt like they were genuinely caring and wanted to help. Especially Mr Koak he was so nice. I originally applied for a Gastric band but, after going over my eating history and habits Mr Koak felt a bypass was the best option for me. I promised myself I wouldn't cry but, I did. I blubbered like a baby but because I never talk about my weight, eating habits and how it affects me etc etc I think being able to tell a stranger was a huge release. Next step MDT meeting.
31st October 2011 I hadn't heard a thing and was growing more disheartened by the day so I decided to call. A very nice lady, I think Diane B took my call and said my case was scheduled to be heard on the 2nd November by the Multi Disciplinary Team and apologies for not getting in contact there's been a backlog etc etc.
I gave it ten days(1 working week) and I rung again because I hadn't heard anything. I was informed that not all necessary parties had attended the meeting so it was rescheduled for 29th November. :sigh:Great.
All over the news a week later industrial action in the form of strikes for all public service workers (including the NHS) are due to take place on 29th november that meant no meeting!!
I called on the 1st of December and left a message and I emailed from my smart phone, I was getting pretty desperate. A few hours later I had a response apologising and guarantee-ing my case WILL be heard at 10.45am on the 5th December.
I called and emailed for ten days with no response and was convinced it meant I had been denied surgery. I was so fed up, my comfort eating went into overdrive and I just didn't care.:cry:
17th December, Inbox 1 New......YES!!!! They had answered but, it wasn't the best news was my thinking at the time. The meeting had taken place and the team had felt it best for my to see the psychology team. Did this mean I wasn't having surgery? That they were going to try and therapist the weight off me
I emailed back and asked if that was just a normal step or that I had been denied surgery but there was no answer. I was devastated. I rang my partner and wailed to him, I wailed into my pillow and rather than letting food take my sorrow I didn't eat, only for the day mind you lol.:8855: The next day I had a reply! It was just another step in the process and a lot of patients are appointed to see the psychiatrist (best words ever followed) before surgery.
Hallelujah!! All I had to do now was wait for an appointment, I looked online about bariatric psychiatry and some people were lucky enough to just need one session and some people needed more help and were on an appointment course of 6months.
My appointment letter arrived just after Christmas and before new year with a date for the 17th February 2012, seemed and age away.
I had a rather intense session with the psychiatrist and felt good, She was pleased that I had started a diet and exercise programme however lenient I had started. She said she felt I didn't need referring for binge eating counselling and she would contact my GP to monitor me for depression. I've had bouts of it on and off for years because of childhood abuse, my weight, my appearance etc.
The best words she said to me were "I'll send you the weight form and once you have lost between 5-10% of your current weight visit your GP, tell them to fax it urgently and then we can get you an appointment with Dr Gallagher who will be able to discuss a surgery date with you." Oh my goody goodness!!
I couldn't believe it, it was't until I was driving home I burst into tears, not a good thing whilst driving I admit but, I think it had just set in at that given moment. I have spent 25yrs, my whole life over weight, obese, twice the size I should be, more so, I was now being given the chance to be slim, shop in normal clothes shops no need to hide any more. I cannot believe it.
I'm so happy, although last night I had a feeling its to good to be true. I think its going to be tough, really tough. I have a feeling I'm going to lose "friends" along the way. I recall one said to me, after I told her I had been referred for surgery, she went oh great so now I'll be the FAT one!! Charming ay?! I updated her after my appointment that Friday, she asked how I got on I told her basics and she ignored me, texting me later in the evening saying she wasn't ignoring me just didn't feel like talking, I wonder why?!? That's my best friend of ten years! Well screw her and screw them all. I'm willing to sacrifice a lot, an awful lot to be slim, healthy and live an active life, not just for me but for my two beautiful children (3yrs & 4yrs) who by the way said they love my fat tum tum lol!
So thats the beginning. I have since had another appointment with a different Pschyatrist which was in April Dr Nick Hawkes. He was impressed with my weightloss. Over the 5% target but just under the 10%, for now!
Last monday I had the review appointment with him and I explained that I had contacted Diane B and she had said that as long as he felt everything was ok to let her know to get a surgery date for me, he emailed my details over then and there which I was grateful for. YES!!
Inbetween that phone call and the review appointment I received a letter for another appointment which says Clinician/Team: Bariatrics Preparing for Surgery for a Pre-Surgery Follow up appointment. I emailed Diane the the other day to ask what it was for but all she said was The appointment is in the Matthew Duncan Seminar Room and will last about an hour.
Will this be my date? Do you get a date in an appointment or via a letter?
So thats tomorrow and I want it to be today! Lol. I love going to Homerton, everyone is so nice there aand I always feel really positive. As far as I am aware, according to Dr Nick's "umbrella" of process I have completed all steps except the date and pre op diet so fingers crossed.
I would love to hear from anyone at Homerton, and if anyone has any idea what my appointment tomorrow is for I'd love to hear lol
So thats my story of the last year so far! Sorry its sooo long
All the best to all! xx
I've always had a weight problem as has my mum and her immediate relatives. I've been on every crash diet, fad diet, club diet, meal replacement, pills and miracle cure but I always end up worse than before. So this to me is my last chance and I pray and hope and wish it works!
I was referred to Homerton in August 2011 with my first appointment day on the 30th September 2011. So I had my day of appointments and the group session with advice, surgery info and diet info which was great, The dietians and would be surgeon, Mr Koak, were great really cleared my mind about things and spoke to me rather than at me and I really felt like they were genuinely caring and wanted to help. Especially Mr Koak he was so nice. I originally applied for a Gastric band but, after going over my eating history and habits Mr Koak felt a bypass was the best option for me. I promised myself I wouldn't cry but, I did. I blubbered like a baby but because I never talk about my weight, eating habits and how it affects me etc etc I think being able to tell a stranger was a huge release. Next step MDT meeting.
31st October 2011 I hadn't heard a thing and was growing more disheartened by the day so I decided to call. A very nice lady, I think Diane B took my call and said my case was scheduled to be heard on the 2nd November by the Multi Disciplinary Team and apologies for not getting in contact there's been a backlog etc etc.
I gave it ten days(1 working week) and I rung again because I hadn't heard anything. I was informed that not all necessary parties had attended the meeting so it was rescheduled for 29th November. :sigh:Great.
All over the news a week later industrial action in the form of strikes for all public service workers (including the NHS) are due to take place on 29th november that meant no meeting!!
I called on the 1st of December and left a message and I emailed from my smart phone, I was getting pretty desperate. A few hours later I had a response apologising and guarantee-ing my case WILL be heard at 10.45am on the 5th December.
I called and emailed for ten days with no response and was convinced it meant I had been denied surgery. I was so fed up, my comfort eating went into overdrive and I just didn't care.:cry:
17th December, Inbox 1 New......YES!!!! They had answered but, it wasn't the best news was my thinking at the time. The meeting had taken place and the team had felt it best for my to see the psychology team. Did this mean I wasn't having surgery? That they were going to try and therapist the weight off me
Hallelujah!! All I had to do now was wait for an appointment, I looked online about bariatric psychiatry and some people were lucky enough to just need one session and some people needed more help and were on an appointment course of 6months.
My appointment letter arrived just after Christmas and before new year with a date for the 17th February 2012, seemed and age away.
I had a rather intense session with the psychiatrist and felt good, She was pleased that I had started a diet and exercise programme however lenient I had started. She said she felt I didn't need referring for binge eating counselling and she would contact my GP to monitor me for depression. I've had bouts of it on and off for years because of childhood abuse, my weight, my appearance etc.
The best words she said to me were "I'll send you the weight form and once you have lost between 5-10% of your current weight visit your GP, tell them to fax it urgently and then we can get you an appointment with Dr Gallagher who will be able to discuss a surgery date with you." Oh my goody goodness!!
I couldn't believe it, it was't until I was driving home I burst into tears, not a good thing whilst driving I admit but, I think it had just set in at that given moment. I have spent 25yrs, my whole life over weight, obese, twice the size I should be, more so, I was now being given the chance to be slim, shop in normal clothes shops no need to hide any more. I cannot believe it.
I'm so happy, although last night I had a feeling its to good to be true. I think its going to be tough, really tough. I have a feeling I'm going to lose "friends" along the way. I recall one said to me, after I told her I had been referred for surgery, she went oh great so now I'll be the FAT one!! Charming ay?! I updated her after my appointment that Friday, she asked how I got on I told her basics and she ignored me, texting me later in the evening saying she wasn't ignoring me just didn't feel like talking, I wonder why?!? That's my best friend of ten years! Well screw her and screw them all. I'm willing to sacrifice a lot, an awful lot to be slim, healthy and live an active life, not just for me but for my two beautiful children (3yrs & 4yrs) who by the way said they love my fat tum tum lol!
So thats the beginning. I have since had another appointment with a different Pschyatrist which was in April Dr Nick Hawkes. He was impressed with my weightloss. Over the 5% target but just under the 10%, for now!
Last monday I had the review appointment with him and I explained that I had contacted Diane B and she had said that as long as he felt everything was ok to let her know to get a surgery date for me, he emailed my details over then and there which I was grateful for. YES!!
Inbetween that phone call and the review appointment I received a letter for another appointment which says Clinician/Team: Bariatrics Preparing for Surgery for a Pre-Surgery Follow up appointment. I emailed Diane the the other day to ask what it was for but all she said was The appointment is in the Matthew Duncan Seminar Room and will last about an hour.
Will this be my date? Do you get a date in an appointment or via a letter?
So thats tomorrow and I want it to be today! Lol. I love going to Homerton, everyone is so nice there aand I always feel really positive. As far as I am aware, according to Dr Nick's "umbrella" of process I have completed all steps except the date and pre op diet so fingers crossed.
I would love to hear from anyone at Homerton, and if anyone has any idea what my appointment tomorrow is for I'd love to hear lol
So thats my story of the last year so far! Sorry its sooo long
All the best to all! xx