Shrinking away nicely :)
Hi all well i am 7 weeks post op tomorrow and the past week or so i am having to force myself to eat and with that i am having about 500 cals a day.
I had major probs with head hunger and sickness the past 3 weeks and had to inject myself twice a day to try and combat that but it did not really help just left me black and blue :cry:
I starting reducing my mega strong Opiate medication since thursday and since then although am in more pain, which i can cope with and the sickness is so much better it is practically gone and now i am not injecting myself now which is fab

It does not help that i am a really fussy eater and was never good at eating protein pre op and lived off mostly carbs for so many years.
Since post op i cant bear the smell of meat or fish and cant manage any hot food as it makes me gag so all my meals are snacks and cold.
I am quite happy to just have protein shakes and some crackers and cheese but even them i have to make myself eat as if i am out i totally forget and dont eat then when i get home i try and catch up and have a few crackers and cheese.
Is this the norm, dont get me wrong i am happy i am not hungry and finally as my choices the past week are good choice i am not having any cravings which were terrible the past 3 weeks but i am worried that only having 500/550 cals( 300 of that is my protein shake with 200 mls of ss milk which i really like lol ) at 7 weeks might cause me to stall again and that would stress me out big time as i had a mega stall from day 6 for 3.5 weeks.
Sorry for a whinge so early on Monday morning, i never thought i would be happy that i have no hunger and making myself eat but how long can this go on as tbh i dont actually fancy eating anything and i am bit worried bout the size of my portions as i really cant manage more than a small yoghurt and thats a struggle, texture wise i am doing very good, i can eat apples and tomatoes, carrots and stuff like pasta and rice as have been on solids for 3 weeks now.
All advice and tips would be much appreciated thanks xxx
I had major probs with head hunger and sickness the past 3 weeks and had to inject myself twice a day to try and combat that but it did not really help just left me black and blue :cry:
I starting reducing my mega strong Opiate medication since thursday and since then although am in more pain, which i can cope with and the sickness is so much better it is practically gone and now i am not injecting myself now which is fab
It does not help that i am a really fussy eater and was never good at eating protein pre op and lived off mostly carbs for so many years.
Since post op i cant bear the smell of meat or fish and cant manage any hot food as it makes me gag so all my meals are snacks and cold.
I am quite happy to just have protein shakes and some crackers and cheese but even them i have to make myself eat as if i am out i totally forget and dont eat then when i get home i try and catch up and have a few crackers and cheese.
Is this the norm, dont get me wrong i am happy i am not hungry and finally as my choices the past week are good choice i am not having any cravings which were terrible the past 3 weeks but i am worried that only having 500/550 cals( 300 of that is my protein shake with 200 mls of ss milk which i really like lol ) at 7 weeks might cause me to stall again and that would stress me out big time as i had a mega stall from day 6 for 3.5 weeks.
Sorry for a whinge so early on Monday morning, i never thought i would be happy that i have no hunger and making myself eat but how long can this go on as tbh i dont actually fancy eating anything and i am bit worried bout the size of my portions as i really cant manage more than a small yoghurt and thats a struggle, texture wise i am doing very good, i can eat apples and tomatoes, carrots and stuff like pasta and rice as have been on solids for 3 weeks now.
All advice and tips would be much appreciated thanks xxx
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