In the last two and a half weeks its been a bit of a whirlwind. i was phoned 9th Oct asking if I would have wl surgery. A wl mdt happened 9th Oct they agreed I was suitable for a bypass, then full mdt meeting took place 11th Oct where it was agreed to apply for funding for surgery. funding was applied for 16th Oct and approved 22nd October. I have an appointment 1st november to see the surgeon and an appointment with dietician 8th November. I have been told to surgery will take place within 2 months.This all good and I m happy that I m getting this done but the last few days I seem to burst into tears for nothing. i m very confused is this a normal reaction or is it just me???
Wow and Welcome - that is fantastic ! Once you have seen all the members of the team I'm sure you will feel a lot more settled. Which area of the country do you live in?
Super quick! No wonder you are feeling a bit overwhelmed but it is completely normal. Your emotions will be up and down until the surgery and for a while after the surgery, but like I say completely normal. Just try to think about the reasons why you want the surgery and hold on to that and also keep talking to us. We've all either been through it or are going through it so you'll always have someone who understands here. I'm sure you will feel better once meeting your team as Dani said. Best of luck x
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