big boned
Hi, iv just recieved my pre opp diet in post today, I was expecting to do milk diet but its a very low calorie diet instead !
Now I know i will stick to it I have to for my own health reasons.
but to be honest its rubbish im gonna need some help with meal ideas.
the list is as follows:
Breakfast small bowl of cereal eg 1 weetabix or 3 tablespoons cereal or 1 slice of bread with scraping of Margarine !
( this I can cope with easy
Lunch 1 slice of bread or 2 crispbreads with scraping margarine salad or tomatoes no dressing
small portion of meat 1 slice weighing approx 50g or fish or cheese (small matchbox size) or small tub og cottage cheese or 2 eggs or 3 tablespoons of baked beans
examples for lunch are open sandwich of ham & salad, baked beans on toast small portion of grated cheese and sliced tomato on toast crisp breads with cottage cheese and side salad.
I can probably cope with this too.
Dinner 1 small potato or 2 tablespoons pasta or rice or cous cous vegetables or salad.
small portion of meat or fish or cheese or eggs or quorn or tofu or bean dish.
(Meat/fish/tofu/beans may be cooked with tinned tomatoes, onions, stock and herbs)
examples for dinner include small jacket potato, carrots and slice of roast beef, 2 tablesppons of pasta with peas and mince cooked with tinned tomatoes, onion, stock & herbs, 2 tablespoons of rice with broccoli and bean casserole.
one third of pint of milk over the day, 2 potions of fruit, water tea coffee low calorie sqaush low calorie fizzydrinks may be drubk freely, one low fat low sugar yoghurt or framage frais per day !
Now please dont think Im moaning about doing the pre opp diet cos Im not! but the above is all they have sent me !
I will be able to cope with breakfast and lunch but OMG dinner is going to be a flipin nightmare !
at the mo it looks like spag bol for 2 weeks :sigh:
if any one can come up with simple meal ideas for dinner I would be most gratefull so I can start to get the ingrediants in ready !
Ooh and i was told stay away from fizzy drinks and its says i can have em now
Now I know i will stick to it I have to for my own health reasons.
but to be honest its rubbish im gonna need some help with meal ideas.
the list is as follows:
Breakfast small bowl of cereal eg 1 weetabix or 3 tablespoons cereal or 1 slice of bread with scraping of Margarine !
( this I can cope with easy
Lunch 1 slice of bread or 2 crispbreads with scraping margarine salad or tomatoes no dressing
small portion of meat 1 slice weighing approx 50g or fish or cheese (small matchbox size) or small tub og cottage cheese or 2 eggs or 3 tablespoons of baked beans
examples for lunch are open sandwich of ham & salad, baked beans on toast small portion of grated cheese and sliced tomato on toast crisp breads with cottage cheese and side salad.
I can probably cope with this too.
Dinner 1 small potato or 2 tablespoons pasta or rice or cous cous vegetables or salad.
small portion of meat or fish or cheese or eggs or quorn or tofu or bean dish.
(Meat/fish/tofu/beans may be cooked with tinned tomatoes, onions, stock and herbs)
examples for dinner include small jacket potato, carrots and slice of roast beef, 2 tablesppons of pasta with peas and mince cooked with tinned tomatoes, onion, stock & herbs, 2 tablespoons of rice with broccoli and bean casserole.
one third of pint of milk over the day, 2 potions of fruit, water tea coffee low calorie sqaush low calorie fizzydrinks may be drubk freely, one low fat low sugar yoghurt or framage frais per day !
Now please dont think Im moaning about doing the pre opp diet cos Im not! but the above is all they have sent me !
I will be able to cope with breakfast and lunch but OMG dinner is going to be a flipin nightmare !
at the mo it looks like spag bol for 2 weeks :sigh:
if any one can come up with simple meal ideas for dinner I would be most gratefull so I can start to get the ingrediants in ready !
Ooh and i was told stay away from fizzy drinks and its says i can have em now