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help! What do you take daily?

helloooooo all, hope you had a lovely bank hol...

just wondering (mainly for you bypassers) what meds etc you have to take everyday... and do you get it from your doc or from a pharmacy?

Did you have to take zoton fastab for longer than 2 weeks?

And i assume the b12 injection is done by your gp... any ideas how much it costs???

thanks .x.
Hi this is what I take as bypass supplements:

As soon as I wake:
1 Fastab (lansopzole 30mg) capsule

1 iron pill (ferrous fumerate 210mg)
1 Forceval multi vit & mineral
1 Zinc dissolvable (solvazinc 125mg)*

1 calcium chewable (calcichew)
1 selenium liquid (selenase 2mg)*

Before Tea:
1 iron pill
1 fastab
1 zinc dissolvable

1 calcium chewable
1 selenium liquid

Both the zinc & selenium is to help manage hair loss post op. Not everyone has hair loss (my doc says only 10% do)so you will have to wait and see if you need it.

I have been told to take 2 fastabs per day until 6 months & then just one per day for 2 years at least but surgeon would prefer you take one per day forever.

I had my bloods done at 3 months & my B12 was fine so I have not been asked to take shots or supplements for B12. All docs are different so you will have to check with your own & ask what they like for you to take.

All my supplements are on prescription as per my surgeon's instructions to my GP.

i daily take (post bypass)
1 calcichew twice a day
1 multivit
1 zinc
and i have my b12 inj every three months
the zoton(lansoprazole) i took twice a day for a month then once aday for two weeks.
seems everyone is different.
I'm a bypasser and take

1 multivit & mineral tab
1 fast tab (have been told for life)
1 calsium tab twice a day

Thats it for me at the mo
I have the B12 injections and don't have to pay for them, this might be because I have a script pre-payment card though, not sure. The GP surgery sort them out for me!
I am a bypasser.

I take 1 Forceval after breakfast and 2 Calcichew before bed, both I get on prescription from my GP.

I took 1 Fastab a day for the first 6 weeks - surgeon says its not necessary to take them after that.

My surgeon doesn't recommend routine Vit B12 injections either - rather have blood tests and have them if they are required. In my case I do need them as my first blood test came back with a very low B12 count. It doesn't cost anything as they are done by the NHS.
As a fellow bypasser me thinks the reason we are full so quick is not just down to our new stomach but the amount of chuffing pills we have to take - we dont have that much room any more for food let alone all our potions! xx
1onsopzole 20mg capsule

1 iron pill (ferrous fumerate 210mg)
1 Forceval multi vit & mineral
1 Zinc dissolvable
6ml selenase liquid

1 calcium chewable (calcichew)
1 zinc dissolvable

Before Tea:
1onsopzole 20mg capsule
1 iron pill
1 fastab

1 calcium chewable
4ml selenase liquid
1 zinc dissolvable

Both the zinc & selenium is to help manage hair loss post op. Not everyone has hair loss (my doc says only 10% do)so you will have to wait and see if you need it.

I have been told to take 2 fastabs per day until 6 months & then just one per day for 2 years at least but surgeon would prefer you take one per day forever.

I had my bloods done at 3 months & my B12 was fine so I have not been asked to take shots or supplements for B12. All docs are different so you will have to check with your own & ask what they like for you to take.

All my supplements are on prescription as per my surgeon's instructions to my GP.

(just nicked nics bit we both have the same surgeon)

i also have a prepayment cert to cover the cost
Hi this is what I take as bypass supplements:

As soon as I wake:
1 Fastab (lansopzole 30mg) capsule

1 iron pill (ferrous fumerate 210mg)
1 Forceval multi vit & mineral
1 Zinc dissolvable (solvazinc 125mg)*

1 calcium chewable (calcichew)
1 selenium liquid (selenase 2mg)*

Before Tea:
1 iron pill
1 fastab
1 zinc dissolvable

1 calcium chewable
1 selenium liquid

Both the zinc & selenium is to help manage hair loss post op. Not everyone has hair loss (my doc says only 10% do)so you will have to wait and see if you need it.

I have been told to take 2 fastabs per day until 6 months & then just one per day for 2 years at least but surgeon would prefer you take one per day forever.

I had my bloods done at 3 months & my B12 was fine so I have not been asked to take shots or supplements for B12. All docs are different so you will have to check with your own & ask what they like for you to take.

All my supplements are on prescription as per my surgeon's instructions to my GP.


Cheers Nic, this is great. I'll take it to my GP hen I go this week.

ATM I m 13 days post-op and I am taking what the hospital gave me to take home (aside from the vitamins which I bought myself pre-op but will adjust at the end of the four weeks and the iron which the GP prescribed following my post-op full bloods test at the GP surgery):

1x Zoton Fastab
1x Adcal-D3 (Calcium carbonate & Vit D3)
1x Iron tablet with OJ

1x Bassett's Soft and Chewy berry Multivitamin

1x Clexane injection
1x Adcal-D3
1x Iron Tablet with OJ
8x drops of Citalopram (specific to me)

I'm not sure when I will start the B12s. But I am looking forward to the end of Clexane. My tummy is like a blummin pin cushion!
thanks all thats a great help!!!

just wondering what a script pre-payment card is?? and how you go about getting one.

the reason i posted this is cos im having my op in leeds, where my family live, but i live in the highlands in scotland, so i won't be near my gp for a wee while, but thinking on, im sure i should be able to get a prescription for the things i need from the hospital. and the none prescription things i can just get foom boots etc.

thanks a lot, ill have to have a dig about, see how it works in scotland too :)

I don't think they are everywhere yet, I would need to check. All i know is the last prescription i got (which was some anti biotics in dec) i paid for :S
