before I start I would just like to say that in no way am I boasting about my loss in fact I'm so unhappy with it now I don't no who to turn to 
I had my bypass which I do not regret on 7th April this year weighing 18.10, size 24, today i am 11.12, size 8/10 yes it is a massive amount and I have lost it so quick but I am still not happy.
I used to look in the mirror and see a unhappy fat person that disgusted me now I see a unhappy skinny person. I look in the mirror and my hip bones stick out my spine is protruding and where my shoulders meet my arms look like something you see in a third world country and I hate it. All I ever dreamed of was being a size 14 and I have exceeded this by far but according to the NHS I am still overweight and having been accepted for a tummy tuck and breast lift on the condition I get my weight down. I really don't want to loose any more weight and am getting worried I'm going to end up looking like I'm anorexic. Also after the tummy tuck what size am I going to go down to then???
My work colleges have told me to stop loosing weight, telling me I look gaunt, my eyes look sunken, that I am abusing my body and that if I carry on I will be dead by next year, friends have told me I'm so skinny (jokingly but its starting to hurt) some friends have been funny with me due to the weight loss why I don't no maybe they don't like the fact I'm no longer the fat funny one at the back anymore or that there weight loss has been slower but I have never compared myself to anyone and neither should they and most recently I had some spiritual readers come to my house whom told me there is so much jealousy surrounding me but most of all was last night when me and my hubby was talking about what the hospital want me to do and he admitted he was getting worried about me to say that came as a shock was a understatement(he would never normally say anything) He told me I am disappearing and I'm like a bag of bones, but to make it worse I put on a pair of size 10 jeans this morning, looked in the mirror and thought I looked fat
I feel so unhappy and depressed about this I don't no what to do or who to turn to as it seems that every time I speak to anyone they think I'm rubbing there noses in it or all I want to talk about is my weight.
The hospital have told me to be a healthy weight/BMI I need to be between 8.7 and 11.5
I had my bypass which I do not regret on 7th April this year weighing 18.10, size 24, today i am 11.12, size 8/10 yes it is a massive amount and I have lost it so quick but I am still not happy.
I used to look in the mirror and see a unhappy fat person that disgusted me now I see a unhappy skinny person. I look in the mirror and my hip bones stick out my spine is protruding and where my shoulders meet my arms look like something you see in a third world country and I hate it. All I ever dreamed of was being a size 14 and I have exceeded this by far but according to the NHS I am still overweight and having been accepted for a tummy tuck and breast lift on the condition I get my weight down. I really don't want to loose any more weight and am getting worried I'm going to end up looking like I'm anorexic. Also after the tummy tuck what size am I going to go down to then???
My work colleges have told me to stop loosing weight, telling me I look gaunt, my eyes look sunken, that I am abusing my body and that if I carry on I will be dead by next year, friends have told me I'm so skinny (jokingly but its starting to hurt) some friends have been funny with me due to the weight loss why I don't no maybe they don't like the fact I'm no longer the fat funny one at the back anymore or that there weight loss has been slower but I have never compared myself to anyone and neither should they and most recently I had some spiritual readers come to my house whom told me there is so much jealousy surrounding me but most of all was last night when me and my hubby was talking about what the hospital want me to do and he admitted he was getting worried about me to say that came as a shock was a understatement(he would never normally say anything) He told me I am disappearing and I'm like a bag of bones, but to make it worse I put on a pair of size 10 jeans this morning, looked in the mirror and thought I looked fat
I feel so unhappy and depressed about this I don't no what to do or who to turn to as it seems that every time I speak to anyone they think I'm rubbing there noses in it or all I want to talk about is my weight.
The hospital have told me to be a healthy weight/BMI I need to be between 8.7 and 11.5