Wooooooooooooooooooooooo! Ceecie is under 20!! Yayyyyyy! This is thrilling news babe! I am shaking with excitement for you. Amazing! Brilliant! And Frankie is right about the underarm territory! What's that about? Now I know why they are called pits! Tee hee! No Ceecie, sadly still complicated ... It's killing me! Thank God for texting ... I'd soo desperately like to be scooped-up in those big strong arms ... And more ;-0 !! Saw him unexpectedly yesterday ... Thought I was going to passout he looked so lush. Lots of body language. Was in a rush - Father's Day and all ... Who knows ... xxx PS: just editing to add that he doesn't realise how gorgeous he is - which is part of the attraction for me really. I did tell him he is beautiful last week ... Shocking! Go me! Men are thick at times and being too subtle does not always get you what you want ... But I don't want to frighten him off by appearing too liberated. He calls me weird - I told him I take that as a compliment ;-)
Lol ceecie, looks like the baguettes will be carved off me thinksu n glitter make me laugh! X
Yeah ... Boobies obvs. Would like bingos done too as those two are the only upper body issues I have. Stomach is not great but hey if I avoid a cropped top (?) it won't be a problem. It's just then my 'bottom' area ... And thighs. Figure that it is not displayed on a daily basis to the world at large so exactly how much issue do I need to have. Can I justify getting it done - time, need, expense, pain ... Am seeing the man in the bow tie in a couple of weeks for my first annual check-up so I'll see what he has to say on the matter. No great tbh, but could be a lot worse. I think it is just that I feel so great with my clothes on ... Never happy are we xxx
LOL!! Thank God for texting indeed!! Can't you get an "inbetweener" to keep you on the simmer until things start happening with Mr Gorgeous? Or is that my inner slut talking?!!
As for the pits.....God my arms look dreadful! I'm all saggy hanging from the arms and below my armpits.....there is only so much you can tuck in to the side of your bra!!! It looks like I'm carrying bread rolls under my arms(Frankie eye roll)
You gotta laugh!!!!!!!
Must admit I have been lusting after my OH's Rotary razor that he doesn't use (he's an old fashioned wet shaver) my Philips lady shave just can't get into my "pits" properlypits = men's rotary razor + eurax cream = happy hairless yve.
Hahaha yep I caught sight of my backside in the mirror ..my arse has slipped!!Bread rolls! Gotta laugh. My arse cheeks hanging down now visible through the gap at the top of my legs looks like I've gotta pair of nuts! Made worse by one hanging lower than the other :-s Something for Mr G to behold - not! Man!!
Oh you're swinging low on one side Glitter? Lmao!! I can't even imagine being skinny enough for that to happen! Are you going to have any cosmetic surgery? X