Shrinking For Sophie
Well......I was ok!!!!!!
I felt full, so couldn't lay down for half an hour....but other than that, no reaction at all!!! Weird......
Frances.....I ate it because I wanted it!! I had a brief moment when I thought "I wonder if it's going to kill me"??!!!! Lmao. But I then thought, "let's have a go".......
I've not had anything remotely heavy or blatantly off the list so far.....so part of me wanted to test the boundaries. Whilst I was making it I knew I was going to have some, as I put extra spices in just the way I like it!!!!
I don't think I'm in a place where I want to start eating this type of thing regularly, I literally just fancied it yesterday and really enjoyed cooking it.
Also both of us have bad colds....so I think it was that old concept of comfort too.
There is another whole crumble left which I made for my parents and half of ours leftover. I looked at this morning with fondness, but have no intention of having any today. I had my "treat".....
Oh I'm still a food addict........
Okay I can go with that and I'm glad your ok and didn't suffer any ill effects. The reality for me is that I try these things and then dump so most goodies are just a no go now. I get away with two squares of choc, sugar free butterscotch Angel delight and ginger nut bics but that's it. If I need sweetness then it has to be fruit. I'm fortunate in that I never had a sweet tooth to begin with so its not such a big miss really and the dumping is certainly a deterrent for the times when I do have a yen. I just don't understand why someone would risk it in the first place but that's just me