New Member
What has been peoples experiences regards having time of work for your surgery.
I spoke with my manager last night telling him of a surgery date (he doesn't know what surgery). He has asked me to get a certificate from the doc/surgeon to be signed of, the surgeon has said it'll be a 2 week recovery, within the conversation to my manager he did say if it is elective surgery then I probably won't get paid
. I emailed the surgeon telling him this and asked him if he could give me a certificate but could he word it slightly differently without saying ive had weightloss surgery.
I'm thinking now that that might have be quiet a cheeky thing to ask, what has everyone else done?
I spoke with my manager last night telling him of a surgery date (he doesn't know what surgery). He has asked me to get a certificate from the doc/surgeon to be signed of, the surgeon has said it'll be a 2 week recovery, within the conversation to my manager he did say if it is elective surgery then I probably won't get paid
I'm thinking now that that might have be quiet a cheeky thing to ask, what has everyone else done?