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Hi all

Ohhhhhhh i dont no then but both walsall pct and the manor have said level 4 ?????? im awaitng a start date for this programme the next being told is 14th december which same as you not holding my breath lol can i ask what was your criteria to go on this programme hun
Well i had tried every diet, diet pills off doctor severe depression and a bmi of 55 and then my gp reffered me to the weight managment course, have you got any illness's i havent really x
I like you have done the diets shakes, starvation diets, laxative diets, etc also been orlistat (zenixal) i lost 5 stones in 2 years but i was getting divorced in the process as well but as soon as i stopped the tablets it all went back on and more lol. i have a bmi of 50 and just suffer with lower back pain and pains in my legs I am 34 5" 9 height and 24st 2lb
We are nearly the same then i am 28 5 8 and 24stone 12pound, i didnt loose any weight no i lost inches but like i said they didnt really tell me anything i didnt allready no but it is a good course xx
so during this course did they mention surgery to you at all ??? so what happens when you finish are you left on your own then ?
No they neva talked bout surgery at all and i didnt av the guts to ask but at the end of the course i didnt loose weight so then the doc said he would write of to the team and its been 6 weeks now and i avent heard anything yet x
omgggggggggg i bet you feel awful dont ya ,i would feel totally cheated and dumped sorry they have done this too ya chick. I just get so fustrated communication is crap
Hi tinkerboom, as you can see from my posts my last appointment was March, and only found out September that the PCT had not received a letter re funding so they emailed Dr Heartland, I then called them just over a week ago which is when they told me that funding had been granted. The level 4 is a 6 month course I think? only mine dragged on for about 10 months as they lost me in the system between Sept 09 and Dec 09, you have to see Dr Heartland, Nurse Ana Elshaw, dietician, psycologist and excercise person, I lost about 2 kilos in all that time and surgery wasn't mentioned until March this year when I was signed off. Hope you hear something soon good luck:party0019:
hey yatesy , did you tell them at the beginning you wanted surgery or did you wait for them to offer it . i have had about zero information so thankyou so much chick just trying to find out about the course as the letter states its 1-1
:)Wasn't expecting to have surgery, was just refered to them from doctors and as I had not lost much it was only then at the very end that surgery was mentioned, been a bit of a nightmare really as the PCT didn't receive a letter but between 1st Sept & 8th Oct they must have managed to get through to Dr Heartland because funding has now been approved, just got to wait for Tracey Lowe to arrange pre op appontment now:faint2:
Thats fantastic news im really pleased for you , can I ask you how long your journey has taken you up to yet ,im really anxious to start this course which tracy lowe said the next one starts 14th December but the pct are dragging there feet sending over my referal so im not sure if i am going to make that intake all i can do is hope and prey x
Yeah i do feel awful to be fair but i am not going to give up i going to ring the pct today and if they havent received a letter i going to get them to e-mail Dr Heartland as advised on here we will get there i think but it going to be a long journey x
Well all I can say is that my GP refered me about March 09, and I had a letter to start the weight management cousre on the 9th June 09, my last appointment was the 30th March 10 with Dr Heartland but I have only found out recently about the funding so in all from the GP referal to now it has been about 20 months, I think it should have been a bit less but they had lost me somewhere:(

Helen x
I got referred November 09 so not been a year yet, i going to ring the PCT today see if that gets me any where x