Hi Leanne, thanks for sharing that info - very encouraging to know!
Hi Steve, thanks for your advice mate, it's nice to know someone who has been there - done that!
Hi Neen, thanks also for the advice - will bare that in mind
Well I had the appointment today and to be honest left a little disappointed.
I saw a lady on Professor Kumar's team who i cant remember/pronounce the name of, but didn't particularly like her that much - I got the feeling that it was far too much bother to read through all my notes. She said that she has briefly looked at them, but wanted me to explain everything that has gone on in the past - believe me (with leukaemia and all the after effects included) was an impossible task.
She had a quick feel of my stomach, and then decided to prescribe me with Orlistat - something which I was dreading that they'd do.
She said, go and try those, and I'll see you in a few months - she also asked me to see the dietician there, and the clinical psychologist in separate appt.'s that I'll get through the post. She also sent me for an in-depth set of blood tests today to have a good look at all the different things going on in my blood.
I just got the impression she couldn't be bothered to read my history (kindly condensed into 8 pages by my previous endocrinologist/oncologist) and doesn't have the full insight into the special medical reasons why i feel, other than the obvious medical benefits - that the surgery is needed.
I just wish that the clinical oncologist saw last week was there, and my paediatric endocrinologist too to talk the talk - and by the impression i got - completely baffle her.
I'm really not happy about trying Orlistat - it's something I've looked into in the past, and on here have read some terrible stories about the side effects - how can they expect you to deal with them whilst living a normal life and having a full time job - it'd be alright if i stayed at home all the time and was always near a loo - in in reality - i'm not.
She told me to try them first on a Friday evening, before dinner, and see how you get on over a weekend! - It still didn't answer my concern about during the week!
Have another appointment in a few months with her (or hopefully another member of the team) where she said depending on the results from taking the Orlistat - will talk about surgical options.