flutterby1966 said:Hi Sue, welcome. What specifically are you interested knowing? I am sure there are lots of people who will be willing to give you guidance if they understand what your particular queries/concerns are? All I can say at this point is that the band was great for giving me a helping hand to lose 10 1/2 stones and get my to target weight in just less than 10 months. Read lots about the band, and ask lots of questions ... so you go in open-eyed and realistic knowing that it can be life changing .... for people who are prepared to change their habits of a lifetime. Its not necessarily a quick fix ... but it can potentially be, if you follow the rules and are focussed on improving the volume/balance of your daily diet and inceasing activity levels. As well as weight loss goals, for the times when weight loss does slow down/stall, set yourself non-scale goals, because they can keep spurring you on to succeed rather than switching on the self-destruct button. You dont have to be perfect 100% of the time, but 95% of the time would be good. While its sometimes motivational to compare to others, those comparisons can also lead to despair (if you are that sort of person) soooo very important to remember - our bodies are all different and our providers have different guidance, but give it time, and you will work out what is best/most successful for you and your body. Fills, while important, are not the be all and end all - they are a help. Being tempted to rush fills or be over-restricted is not good and can cause damage ... the more weight you can lose with less restriction the better, in my very humble opinion![]()
Mrs Quiggle said:Hi and welcome Sue. Can't give you any info on bands I'm afraid as I'm a bypasser but wanted to welcome you to the forum.
Kate x
SAS1 said:Hi Sue
I had mine fitted yesterday and to be honest the wind pain isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got given gaviscon last night which eased the pain, this morning it has almost disappeared.
I find the surgery pain a bit worse, but not unbearable, just sore when shifting about.
There is nothing to worry about, just uncomfortable for a while. Hope that helps and good luck xxx![]()
Fat sue said:Thanks so much for that
Were did you have it done and how long did they keep you in for
So many questions lol x
SAS1 said:No problems hon, Yesterday in Chester, I'm from Liverpool and this was the nearest hospital for me. I had it done privately as couldn't get funded. I was discharged this morning, surgeon said all went really well, had no hernia to repair so it was a text book case! Lol.
I went down at 4 pm and back in room watching emmerdale at 7pm.
Bit sore today but the painkillers help a lot, I'm up walking around the house without any trouble, just got to inject blood thinners for a week and take acid pills for a month.
Go for it, it will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself! Good luck hon xxx
Mazza said:Hello and welcome!
Good luck on your journey.
Have a nosey around the banders section for some insight into life with a band, also chat and share with some lovely peeps!
Ask any question you want because chances are someone else will of thought about or asked the same thing too. We are all here to support each other and if we can't help we can at least point you in the right direction xx
Fat sue said:No way lol ... I love Liverpool ... I'm from Dublin yea I found a clinic near me they said I'd be done first thing in the morning stay overnight and home next day ... But the dr flys in Saturday from uk and then leaves the same day so thats make me think twice ... I really want the op just afraid that I Wont have the back off them my gp wants me to wait the 2 years for the hospital but i have waited long enough it's s case of now or never ...
I'm glad you feeling good today and I think I could handle it lol as I have had five ops this year for kidney stones ...