Thanks ladies
Had a lovely meal tonight of homemade Thai red chicken curry and brown rice, savoured every moment of it! Did worry a bit as I know rice can be tricky for us banders but cooked it to be soft rather than sticky & it went down fine, I added extra veg to mine to bulk it out and cut back on rice & have discovered spray on buttery taste oil! 1 cal a spray, also great with air-popped popcorn I am told!
Sarah, I will keep fingers crossed for your restriction too, you are fill #3 next month aren't you? Would be good timing as gives it time to settle before Christmas, always a tricky time for me! Hope your port site is less sore tonight, took my plaster off from my fill [mon] today and was soaked in blood

but thankfully all re-healed nicely.
Oh and food and fags made me laugh! maybe its just things that begin with F I need to stay away from!
Banderbird, keep on keeping away from them! much better for the head and the pounds will soon drop off as you say, we are aiming for the same goal weight if my memory is right? So here for the long run hey
I hear you re the gum, stupid habit! but think that one will take a bit more work...looking to swap to ordinary gum this weekend then phase that out as quickly as poss, hate chewing the cud like a big old cow!
keep up the good work ladies, you are both doing fabulously well and thanks for the support, it really makes this journey easier sharing it with friends xx