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hi im new and really need advice


New Member
hi everyone im karen and im nearly 44
all my adult life i have been big but for some reason i am getting bigger and bigger...i have blamed my pill but thats been changed now so time will tell
while i was at my doctors i told him how unhappy i am with my size and we discussed surgery but he said i had to go through certain steps before he can refer me...what are those steps...he has referred me to dietician but i dont know how long i have to go there etc and if it doesnt work what happens then...my bmi is about 42 ish i dont have any other health issues apart from i am coeliac...what are my chances of getting it done on the nhs...i live in lincolnshire...also if necessary what if i went private are the steps the same and how much roughly does it cost...im so scared as a auntie of mine went from being large like me for years then ballooned just as i am and she was dead before she was 45 because of it...
any advice or even some friends i can talk to about this would be great also anyone in the gainsborough s****horpe lincoln area who wants a friend for support and to give support please pm me
take care and love to you all
karen xx
Hi Karen, I'm Andrea and from Worcester. My pct wouldn't fund an operation for me due to not having any co-morbidilities and at a BMI over 40 they said that I wasn't heavy enough.
My weight had yo yoed all my life and at 41 it was time to gain control over this, a good friend of mine had a lapband and after her success I decided it was time for me to take control.
I looked at the options available to me both here and abroad and I chose to go to the Czech Republic with Cosmetic Bliss and have a sleeve. It was the best decision that I have ever made, the care I got couldn't be beaten by anyone else for the price that I paid - I had 4 nights in the hospital - they wanted to know you were well on the recovery road before they let you go.
My mum is a coeliac but she is also lactose in tolerant and can't eat any dairy products either so she struggles to gain weight. Was your aunt also a coeliac?
I hope this gives you some information, any questions please don't hesitate to ask and welcome to the site, you'll find lots of help and support here.
not sure about my aunt as it was a long time ago...
i cant believe i might not be heavy enough ...i have been big for nearly 30 years surely that says something...im hoping i fall lucky as my doctor is really helpful...
if not its hopefully sweet talking hubby...but hes already recently paid out for laser eye surgery (which didnt work so going back 6th april to be re done) so i wont hold my breath...hes pandered to all my diet tries including cambridge ...weightwatchers etc and a hypnotic gastric band
All pcts are different, they will want to know what you have done before and how successful you were.

The only thing to point out to hubbie is that your food bill will drop dramatically after surgery. Please talk again to your doctor and dietician and take a list of quetions with regards to what your pct needs for you to qualify and how long the waiting list is. I hope someone from your area will be on soon thats had NHS care and can be precise about what you need.
Hi Freddys mum and welcome. It is good you have a friendly doctor behind you, but in this day and age of cuts it may not be enough. I know their are nice guidelines but many pct's are upping their own criteria to a BMI of 50 plus serious health issues.

Each authority is different, and I got referred to a weight loss management clinic for about 15 months before I was told I had funding for an op. In this time I had meetings with the dietitian and physical activity bloke. Had various tests which did show up I was diabetic and hypothyroid. There was also a sleep test and two trips to a psychologist. All to make sure I was a good candidate, and worthy of the NHS help.

I would think if you went private it would be very quick. Once you have done your research and chosen your provider, and had consultations with them it could be a matter of weeks of a couple of months. Best wishes Trisha
Hi and welcome.
Like others have said all PCT's are different.
In my area your BMI has to be 50 and you have to have tried every diet known to man, including therapy and drug treatment.
Good luck xx
thank you all so much for your lovely words and advice...i must admit i wish i could go private because im a very impatient person and always want everything done yesterday when i decide on something...
what is everyones advice on private is it better over here or going abroad
love to you all
karen xx
Hi Karen, budget is the main deciding factor on something like this, or it was for me. For my £6.5k I got flights, transfers, hotel for 1st night, 4 nights in hospital and my sleeve operation as well as numerous checks and tests that they did to check that I was well enough to be operated on.
My provider was an ex theatre nurse who knew what she wanted for her patients and how much care she wanted them to have and it worked out spot on for me.
My friend had her lapband 2 years ago at Gloucester privately, she paid £8k and had one night in hospital before going home the day after her operation, she said had she been able to afford it she would have had another night there but at £1500 she didn't have the available cash.
Look at all your options thoroughly, obviously my sleeve doesn't need any further hospital visits - your band will need fills etc - and the team I went with offer aftercare and expect you stay in touch with them and keep them updated with your weightloss and measurements etc and they are there to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. I'm planning to go back with them and get a tummy tuck ina couple of years time.
A very warm:welcome2: and every good wish on your wls journey.... love and hugs xxx :)
I went through cosmetic bliss 3 years ago, but I am well aware that it's a considerable expenditure that many just can't afford in the present economic climate. I had to go abroad, my BMI was 40. Even then it was touch & go whether dr Cherny would do it. In the UK I was told I would have to gain weight!!!
But I will say I was impressed with the service & hygiene (so I can safely I've them a plug). Finally I've never looked back :)
Good luck x
Its not up to your doc but your pct, do you know the criteria for your area?at bmi of only 40 you may have to go private.Best of luck whatever you decide!Maz x