New Member
Okay here is my story. :sign0144:
I didnt really have a problem with my weight until i was 29 and this resulted because of a miscarriage i had at 41/2 months. :cry: I'd noticed some bleeding after my sunday lunch and had awful diarroea
and generally felt unwell so got the doctor out and he amitted me to hospital. I had all sorts of examinations on arrival then was left to wait for a scan the following morning. Then right on visiting time my waters broke and I spend the next 7 hours losing my baby or babies (i was never told but i had a high chance of having twins). I went straight down to theatre for a D and C and then the following day i was allowed home - i was picked up by my partner who dropped me off at my home (we wernt living together then) and he left me - just walked out of my lefe just like that the @*>*$rd. I never had any counselling from anyone infact just as i was recovering the midwife came to see how my pregnancy was progressing (you can imagine how i felt) i just shut the door in her face, bless her, it wasnt her mistake it was the doctors. Anyway so started my weight gain hell. I piled on the stones, (I think i ate for comfort) and yo yo dieted ever since - had no problem losing the weight but had a problem keeping it off. The the gorgeous Mr Shaw Sommers accepted me for wls, i saw a psychologist and she told me my mind and body had started to prepare itself for surgery as i was losing weight no problem without dieting. I had the surgery the same day as olsbols ( a lovely person) and now my story and life really starts again. I'm looking forward tosharing my trials and tribulations with you all and hope to make some lovely friends.
I didnt really have a problem with my weight until i was 29 and this resulted because of a miscarriage i had at 41/2 months. :cry: I'd noticed some bleeding after my sunday lunch and had awful diarroea
