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Hi, waiting from East London. What is next?


New Member
Hi, my name is Debbie, I am so happy to find out about this forum. I was reffered to Homerton Hospital, seen the consultant, dietician. Tomorrow I have to go for the sleep apnea test at Homerton. I have been told that after the Bariatric team get my results they will apply for Funding (Newham Borough). Does anyone knows how long it will take to get a date op?:break_diet:
I am looking forward to meet you and share our experience.

God bless you all. Thanks:)
Hi and :welcome: Sorry cant answer your questions but just wanted to say good luck with your weight loss journey.

My Friend has wls when she lived in barking and was under homerton, I think she waited about 1 yr in total for her op....plz take into consideration that the waiting times are getting longer because of the amount of ppl applying for wls so you will naturally wait longer then say.....someone who applied a year or 2 ago . - Good Luck on your Journey xx Julie xx
Hi and welcome. I'm in east London too and had my surgery done nearly a year ago at Homerton. My first appointment was in July 2009 and I had my op in December so pretty quick really. I have heard that it's taking longer now though. If you want to inbox me feel free. I'm in Bow by the way.
Hi, I had my op at Homerton in October 10, I was refered to Homerton in July 09 and first appt in September 09. I also live in Newham, but my GP is in Waltham forest so my op was funded by WF.

It was a long old wait for me, mainly due to confusion with the funding I think but well worth it, thank god, It's all going really well.
Hi and :welcome: to WLS, Im from a different area so not much use to you, just wanted to say Hi and good luck with your weight loss journey :D XX
Hi. I got referred to Homerton from Adenbrookes, who had already arranged my funding and done my sleep tests. My first appointment on August 24th and I have just heard I am having the op on December 22nd!!! SO excited! and nurvous!!! but in a good way.

Good luck with your journey.
Hello and Merry Xtmas to everyone.

Finally I had the slepping study at Homerton on the 3rd December, since last week I have been trying to get in touch with Dianne Bushell (bariatric coordinator) but not luck, to find out what happen next. I am a bit confused. Thanks for your responses and support.

Hi Debbie, i had my first appointment July 10 and had my surgery 01/11/10, so i was really quick. Diane can be a nightmare to get hold off, emailing her works really well and she gets back to you quite quickly, if you dont have her email address let me know x
Hiya debbie and welcome

I am with Homerton, i have started my jurnoy since april this year.

I am going for my second appoitment on the 27/01/11 i have been told one of the helpful ppl who answerd my call last week that i am booked for op on the 07/03/11 i will know when i see them in jan.

I wish you all the best debbie xxxxx

P.S maybe mine took longer as i do not live in london, i know some ppl be operated on at a shorter length of time than me :eek:)))))
hi love dont know the wait im pre op started my journey 7 months ago only saw dr yesterday to say yes i can have op and go on waiting list ,i live in sidcup a few people have been under the same surgeon and only waited about 8 months ive a funny feeling i will be waiting ages xxso no answer for you BUT hi im ruth