New Member
well ill let u all know how it went .i had the opp done at 4pm monday eve . i was then woke up in recovrey at 6.45 . were felt like i had had my ribs snaped in half . so i was given loads of morphine which rilly helped then at 8pm i was taken to my ward . were i was on pain killers all night but felt so much better the next day . i then was walking about as the gas they had used to pump my belly up was hurting me a bit . so was told to walk it off and it did work . lol as i was farting and burping like no ones buissness lol
. then i had to see the sergon just to check every thing was all fine and i was let home last night at 8pm so a late check out . but glad to be home now . im still taking some painkillers they gave me but i can say the pain is a lot better today . just had to sleep on the sofa last night as i found liying flat in bed was a no no for me . but mangd to have a gd night sleep all proped up on the sofa .im waiting for the diettision to ring me today just to tell me what i have to eat and what i carnt eat for the first 6 weeks . as she could not get round to seeing me b4 i left hos last night . but i have had some ready break today and could only eat a small amount i have no restriction as of yet so carnt wait to have my band filled in 6 weeks time so i can start my journey of losing weight but im so gald i had i done and would not give it bk ever hehehehe ill let u all know how i get on over this week x x x