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hiya gang what will i need to get in for the first week out of surgery ie


New Member
drinks/protein drinks soups? vitamins? what will i need what did you all have im hopefully having the bypass in murryfield hosp anyone else had op there or goin there?linda.x
Hi Pinkylin
Wouldn't go too mad stocking up, you will find your tatsebuds will change and things you liked previously you may not like post op. I was told i didnt need to take protein shakes/powders. I drank a lot of milk, ate muller light yogharts, home made veg soup(strained) and as a sweeter treat low fat custard x
tar allie was just wonderin what protei shakes where tho are they the slimfast shakes? or proper protein shakes as in from boots or somewhere?
ok tar hun i will ask the dietician on thursday what i should be tryin to eat after op ie liquid soft food.x
They will give you lists of what you will need at the hospital. We have had a couple of members recently go through Murrayfield, Yasmine-Samara had a DS there, and one of the Sue's had surgery there too. I'm there on Friday, shame it's not the same day!
hi gail do they do a sample of it first by any chance as i would like to try b4 i buy just incase i dont like it lol

hi shel yeh it is a shame your not there the same day would of been nice to have met you are you goin to the meeting in greenbank tomoz night? hows the bump?
One thing nobody remembers to stock up on pre-op are the meds. You are going to need some sort of liquid painkillers and plenty of chewable or soluble vitamins and minerals.

Lots of us used the Tesco's childrens painkillers and doubled up the dose (much nicer than the stuff the hospital give you).
thanx for that bonita as soon as i knw im goin for op i will buy it all in thats why im writing a list now of what i will nee dt take in to hosp with me and what i will need when i cme home as im not expectin to want to go out for a while i want my body to completly recover from op b4 i venture out just lil short walks will be the first thing i do as ive had anasetic b4 and it well and truely took it out of me lol lin.x
hiya rybens i dont knw when i will be getin surgery just yet but could pos be in november i hope i also hope yours is soon to lin.x
Hi i wouldnt spend a lot on a blender, my OH spent loads on a food prosesor and only used it for 2 weeks then went onto well mushey so waste of cash wish id have borrowed one from famley
thanx leedsjeff and mixman.x