Six Month Post Op
Hi all, as you may know I had my bypass in March then was readmitted in April for a bowle repair well ended up in again and had another op on Wednesday! Yet another bowel repair and removal of adhesions.
I am a bit fed up with all this recovery time I have to go through, no driving, lifting etc which isnt easy with a toddler to amuse. My husband has also not dealt very well with it this time and with a massive added work pressure buckled on Thursday and has been put on sleeping tablets to be reviewed maybe needing anti depressants!
As usual after huge doses of morphine and a general anesthetic I am badly constipated and nothing will shift it, I can actually feel it all stuck quite low down!
The district nurse has just rung to say she will pop in after 3pm, change my dressings, test my wee as I think I have an infection again and also bring some suppositories-oh what fun!
I can hardly eat or drink again, not because of my stomach, that is fine but I feel so full and bloated Im assuming the constipation isnt helping that.
As usual not alot other than whinging but....have lost 4stone!YEY

I am a bit fed up with all this recovery time I have to go through, no driving, lifting etc which isnt easy with a toddler to amuse. My husband has also not dealt very well with it this time and with a massive added work pressure buckled on Thursday and has been put on sleeping tablets to be reviewed maybe needing anti depressants!
As usual after huge doses of morphine and a general anesthetic I am badly constipated and nothing will shift it, I can actually feel it all stuck quite low down!
The district nurse has just rung to say she will pop in after 3pm, change my dressings, test my wee as I think I have an infection again and also bring some suppositories-oh what fun!
I can hardly eat or drink again, not because of my stomach, that is fine but I feel so full and bloated Im assuming the constipation isnt helping that.
As usual not alot other than whinging but....have lost 4stone!YEY