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Hospital stay


New Member
Hi Everyone thankyou for all your lovely messages, just wanted to update you on my stay in hospital... i am pleased to stay it had nothing to do with the bypass operation i had on 25th November... but they foundi had a nasty water infection... this caused my glugose to go all over the place, i was getting hot and cold sweats and was generally very unwell for the last week.
I was told to go to Charing Cross hospital on Tuesday Morning where they admittd me and kept me in overnight. Yesterday they started me on a course of antibiotics and i came home late last night with a 3 day course to take and some anti sickness tablets for 4 days. Today apart from going being very sleepy im not feeling sick so hopefully im on the road to recovery. the sleepiness ive just read is a side effect of the sickness tablet... so looks like i will be havng little naps during the times im not drinkng all the fluids and diluted cranberry juice ive been told is good to drink.... so my day is looking.... wee, drink, nap, wee, drink, lunch, wee, drink... ooh need i go on lol.
Well i guess i will catch up with some of you later.. im sat here wanting a wee... but i dont want to leave my cup of tea as it will go cold... so gonna try and drink this last bit of tea, then run if i can.. for the loo xx
So so glad you're ok rayne :) take care honey xxx

from me phone :D
So glad to hear that you are home again and on the mend. What a rough time you've had.

Been thinking of you.

Crackers xxx
Thankyou so much xxx
Glad to her you sounding a little brighter hunni . Listen to your body , its very good at letting you know what it needs & if that's sleep then just go with it xx
Hi Rayne, Sorry to hear that you've been so poorly but very pleased to hear that you are on the mend now. Sleeping is the best thing when you aren't feeling too good.

Glad they have got to the bottom of why you had been so unwell. Hopefully you will start to fell better soon. Gentle hugs for you

x x x
again i would like to say thankyou for all of your support, its very humbling knowing so may people i have never met care so much. it would so be nice sometime to all meet up, but ashame we all live so far apart. all my love xxx
so glad you got to the bottom of this
hope you get well soon heres to happy napping, drinking,
and peeing. he he he