I'm sorry - this is a late night for me so I'm not understanding!
If you have co-mobidities you miss the the weight management? But if you have any bmi even over 50 and no co-morbidities you have to do a year weight management then, plus 6 months at the hospital before surgery? or before they agree to starting the process for surgery?
Sorry to be so dim, I just cant get my head around everyone's experiences being so different!! Aren't we all paying into the same pot?!!
Which hospital are you under? Maybe call the bariatric office of the hospital and find out the exact criteria which they have in that hospital? Or try to contact your local ccg (clinical commisinion group or whatever they are called?) then you will know for sure.
I actually googled criteria for bariatric surgery in ..... 2013 (Fill with the name of your area and change the year). As i was doing my research last year when i needed it!
My ccg criteria said if your bmi is over 50 then tier 4 (surgery) can be CONSIDERED as first line treatment. That does not mean it will happen. It also did say you have to be fit for surgery and prove you have tried you have done everything else before (exercise, pills, weight managment courses, diets ect..). I cant rember what it said for bmi less than 50. As mine was way over 50
Is ccg the new/old (not sure!) name for primary care trust? I have tried googling this for lancashire and it just linked to the NICE guidelines. I think I have confused myself trying to read too much about it as my GP didn't/doesn't even know how to refer me. With my BMI being over 50 already I am worried that by the time i actually get to the point of surgery (possibly 18 mnths plus?) I could be even bigger and even less healthy.
Waiting and patience and not knowing what is going on are not my favourite things!!
Is ccg the new/old (not sure!) name for primary care trust? I have tried googling this for lancashire and it just linked to the NICE guidelines. I think I have confused myself trying to read too much about it as my GP didn't/doesn't even know how to refer me. With my BMI being over 50 already I am worried that by the time i actually get to the point of surgery (possibly 18 mnths plus?) I could be even bigger and even less healthy.
Waiting and patience and not knowing what is going on are not my favourite things!!
Yet something else that differs! I've been asked to lose 8kg in weight by my next appointment to show my commitment. If I haven't lost it on my own then I will get support from the dietician at this point. I was also told that I wouldn't be put forward for surgery either!
I just googled this for some one else but I'm rubbish at cut and paste but try googling
Clinical commissioning policy 2013 for complex and specialist obesity nhs . It states that with bmi of 50 or over than surgery should be considered as first option , but you have to meet the criteria . It worth digesting and downloading the main article to take to your GP