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How long did you take off work?


New Member
I'm particularly interested in those of you who had open bypass surgery.

As you know I am due to start a new job soon, and am expecting to have my bypass about 3 months into my new job. Obviously having to take time off isnt going to go down to well, and so Im hoping to be able to go back to work as soon as possible.

So could you all tell me please how soon you returned to work, and how you found it. My job will be sedentary but I expect the tiredness might be my biggest problem.

Hi Sam up to yet I have had sick notes for 10 weeks (4 weeks from the hospital and 6 of my Dr) Got to go for my 1st check up on Tuesday then back the Dr week later gonna try for another couple of weeks then back to work. But my job is heavy I use hoists in a care home
Sorry can't really help here as I work from home and I don't do very much lol, But I felt fit and raring to go at about 8 weeks I started the gym 2 days a week, and I still get tired usually by Thursdays. x
I had 8 weeks off after my bypass but tbh was pretty much able to go back at 4 weeks...but my GP wasn't too happy about me going back so soon so gave me another 4 weeks.
Burger me! I've only just gone back after 3 months off! Mind you, I have told them that I will be having surgery sometime in the spring (harharhar) and will need 'a few weeks off'.

I've had two C-sections where they said don't lift etc. for six weeks, but that was eaten up with maternity leave, so it's hard to guage when I felt right for work back then.
God I cant imagine needing 8 or 10 weeks off. I was back at work 10 days after my caesarean when I was running my own pub and that was a job that required me to be on my feet all day... although I was of course careful not to do any lifting or bending.

I think I will be as vague as you have red, tell them I need time off for an operation and should be back within a couple of weeks. As it will be a sit down job I am praying that that is all I will need.
ive had 5 wks of and im back on monday...i must admit though i really do think i cud have gone back after 2 weeks, but my lovely managers insisted i took longer (how lucky am i) anyway im lookin 4ward to gettin in a routine, cos then i really will feel im normal again and not at home bein ill (if u get what i mean) x
when i had my gall bladder out by open surgery i was back in work 2 weeks after but made sure i didnt do any lifting and rested well when i got home.
i think its all down to the individual i was on a training course 4 days after keyhole bypass and swimming 11days with no tiredness at all at any stage.
I dont no how some people go back early I was on week 7 last week and all the pain and problems have now died down lol
It really is down to individual life styles and how quickly people heal. Im one of thoes that never looks ill even if i feel at deaths door. Saying that (im holding on to a wooded table as i type this) I cant even catch a cold if im go down with something i go down big style toncilitus that then leads to bronchitus but the last time that happened it was about 6 yrs ago.
Although i have always been big i have always had a very active life in fact im contemplating going to Go ape high wire climbing thingy soon as its something i always fancied but wouldnt do because of my size but there is nothing to stop me now.
heres to a speedy recovery for everyone
Thanks for all your replies everyone. Im really hoping that Im one of the quick recovers. Your story has given me hope HC, and Terri's friend.
I took three weeks off but that was only because I had already been off for 7 weeks with something else....I picked my return to work carefully as I work ten hour shifts and the shifts can knock your system for six....once your positive frame of mind kicks in you can over come anything chick lol...xx
You wont no how long you will need until you have had your op You could be lucky and heal really quick or a bit like me who is looking at 3 months off lol
Ooooh HC take me with you! Sounds great fun!
Oh no it would be very difficult for me having more than 3 weeks off.... i mainly sit all day tho so hopefully i will be ok. i had no problems after my c section with healing or stuff.

im just gonna concentrate on getting as fit as i can before the op dose up on vitamins n go on my excersise bike.
I had mine over Xmas so was already off on leave. I had the op on the 27th Dec and was back at work on th 8th Jan - I felt fine to go back sooner but I had to leave it longer as I wasn't able to drive.